CJ the Awkward

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CJ the Awkward


Ballet teacher, Jesus-follower, general nerd. Love my enby spouse. Highly pretentious, but only toward people who suck. Follow me for brief rants about bad writing as I consume way more romance novels than anyone ever should. she/her
I totally get it. I have family and friends on all sides of the conservative divide. I don’t think any of them have budged since 2016, and at least one has become significantly worse, but she was always into like spiritual warfare stuff so the Trump as Messiah worldview came more naturally to her.
I really hope your family comes around.
Idk, I feel like the cult of Trump is so entrenched at this point that the people who have sided with him have already decided no one else in the party matters. The Republican Party is fractured - there are definitely conservatives who either never supported him or who changed their minds after +
seeing him in action - but I mean it when I say Trump loyalists are in a cult. Their loyalty is to him personally, not to conservatism or the GOP. For a great example of this, look at Alex Jones, who was initially skeptical of Trump, but once he joined the bandwagon, his entire brand became about +
supporting him, even to the point of completely turning his back on the supposed libertarian values he preached about on air for decades. Any time he does criticize Trump, his trumpist listeners give him hell, so he *cant* abandon him or he risks losing his vase. That’s how cults operate; +
they make it impossible to leave even if you want to.
I’m not saying no one can break out of this mindset, just that I’m not sanguine there will be any significant shift in his support until long after he’s dead. If even then.
This doesn’t follow the format but i did say it first.
He's like Matt Walsh in that every time I see his face, I swear I've never seen him before. And also in that he's a theocratic fascist who probably wants to murder most of the people I love.
Okay yeah that’s a more fair criticism.
Oh yeah, this is nothing new for them. Anything for clicks!
Yeah it honestly wouldn't surprise me either. He sure talks like a mobster.
This is such irresponsible reporting. Sharing the shooter's photo and telling us his life story go explicitly against recommendations for reporting on mass shooters because it can lead to copycats who seek notoriety. The same advice has to hold true for shooters at political rallies.
Fun fact, when Trump first announced his candidacy, Alex Jones strongly implied he was mobbed up (he didn't support Trump until Roger Stone told him to like 6 months later).
Oh that's fantastic. I've had Rana pastas before and they are very good. I love French bread. And pasta. Which sucks because I'm pretty sure I need to reduce my gluten consumption. :(
❤️I just made some chicken parmigianna so I'm good now. It's not homemade but it's Bertolli's so it's pretty good. I never think to get French bread though and I really should.
MAGA Christians think Catholicism is a cult.
*unless they're Catholic like Matt Walsh, and then they just think post-Vatican II Catholicism is a cult.
You are literally killing me right now. I am actually deceasing as I type this.
He's like Matt Walsh in that every time I see his face, I swear I've never seen him before. And also in that he's a theocratic fascist who probably wants to murder most of the people I love.
While this is certainly plausible, I haven't seen any credible sources report it yet. The closest I could find was an MSN . . . article? referencing two Twitter posts - one from a Newsmax reporter and one from an Axios reporter, the latter of which does not exist anymore -
so really just a Twitter post from a Newsmax guy then. And the MSN post ends with "we smell a plant" or something, which is not something responsible journalists typically write as the last sentence of a story. Waiting to hear more as this develops.
Oh THAT's where I know him from. I keep forgetting he wrote the book about how a completely average childhood was some kind of monumental hardship or whatever.
This is because to JD Vance, "dealing with" homelessness does not mean making there be fewer homeless people but rather getting the homeless people to go somewhere else where he can't see them.
Reposted byAvatar CJ the Awkward
Seems worth reposting today
Yeah this seems true. I know a little old lady who's a lifelong Catholic and she devotes her life to showing love to everybody, LGBTQ+ people included even though I'm pretty sure she doesn't understand what any of that means. Then I've got a friend who became Orthodox as an adult and +
I had a long Facebook discussion with one of her friends over gender hierarchy in marriage until she said something like "well I guess technically your marriage isn't heretical," and I just responded with "I don't care if it is or not."
Granted, I don't know if this other girl was a convert or not but she looked pretty young in her FB photo so she at least doesn't have the 75+ years of experience that my little old lady friend does.
Just wait till the site gets monetized. That's when everything goes to shit.