
Harry Potter is one of those things where I don’t care how important it was or is to you sentimentally or whatever. I insist you find another fucking thing. There are so many things. Other things. Better things. Literally anything.
I'm back on dating apps, and I immediately reject you if your profile picture has something with Harry Potter in it. In twenty-fucking-four, you should know better.
I find it is just so easy to....not talk about a decades old book and film series? Like, it is not that hard. Anyone at this point is being either openly transphobic or obstinate in a transphobic way.
I did my Master's thesis at Baylor on Harry Potter. If *I* can leave the books in the dust, so can you!
Right?! I wrote an entire worship service liturgy and sermon on hp. It's so possible to be like, "welp, I will feel sad this is hurtful instead of fun now but I will be an adult about it."
Just curious, what was the title/topic of research