
Harry Potter is one of those things where I don’t care how important it was or is to you sentimentally or whatever. I insist you find another fucking thing. There are so many things. Other things. Better things. Literally anything.
Underwater basket-weaving. Cage fighting. Turtle-keeping.
A Harry Potter Adult is just a Pick-Me Variety Disney Adult, literally grow up lmao what are you doing
I cannot stress how much I do not care about whether you still have feelings about the series. I know how sentiment and nostalgia work. I don’t care.
Not caring is a two way street.
except in the other direction, it means death for trans people.
I didn’t say you had to lie down and take it, just that “do as I say I don’t care how you feel” is begging people to do the opposite.
We do care about transphobic assholes and their enablers. Vehemently.
u made a wrong turn looks like
I’m here for bumper cars, weeeee~
Anyone who still clings to that despite being old enough to recognize the racism in it and the author being a TERF…
One of the harrowing truths I discovered as I grew older was that many adults never actually grow up. They just become pre-teens with credit cards.
I truly don't believe that people liked Harry Potter THAT much, it's just that it was so marketable. Like, it's a "I must love Harry Potter, I have so much merchandise from it!" kind of thing. They just don't want to get new stuff.
Which, it's fine if you don't want to throw out your stuff but put it in a closet or something and stop plastering it all over your social media. Just stop buying more and doubling down. STOP.
Considering how buying more is often directly funding a lot of bigotry and hate yeah maybe it's better not to and I wish people would realise that.
I know several people, SEVERAL, who treat Hogwarts houses like zodiac signs. They present their worldviews around the fact that they're a Hufflepuff or whichever, and if someone else does/says something, then "omg that's such a Gryffindor thing to say." Some people are genuinely REALLY into HP.
I agree with the original sentiment, but growing up sucks. People should be able to enjoy things regardless of their age. Fun and entertainment should never be gated by age... Just support things that don't end up with people being harassed or even killed. That's something most can agree with.
I mean, I think most adults know people can like troubling things, and that doesn’t mean they’re spending money on it or defending its honor to their last. That’s a pretty normal boundary, I think!
My main point of contention was with the words "grow up" being used as though their interests being childish is relevant to the broader issue. There are plenty of people, myself included, who don't simply outgrow interests formed in our respective youths. And that's not a problem in and of itself.
It's more important that people are able to be socially aware enough and empathetic enough to let go of something despite their attachment to it than for them to just "grow up" from that interest. Also a lot more meaningful if they can show that human life matters more to them than their attachment.
Spoken like a true Slytherin (This is a joke post. Harry Potter is derivative, antisemitic, fascist-leaning drivel)
As a former turtle keeper it is indeed very entertaining. Turtles are surprisingly fast and they hold grudges for lifetimes XD
As long as they can't read, please tell us everything
Well, I got a turtle named Alfie when I was a kid. Every couple of weeks I'd take him outside so I could clean his tank, during which he'd always try to run away. One day I looked away for too long & he had vanished. I spent the whole evening tearing up the yard to find him but had to stop by night.
The next day I finally found him, he had dug a hole beneath the shrubs and buried himself. During later cleaning I'd sometimes put him in a temporary container, but he got strong enough to flip it over and break out.
...what does a turtle's grudge look like??
I'm back on dating apps, and I immediately reject you if your profile picture has something with Harry Potter in it. In twenty-fucking-four, you should know better.
there was one the other day where the woman was wearing a Ravenclaw sweater and posing in front of a WALL of HP merch. Like, you are a queer woman in 2024! I'm going to assume you're a terf if you're doing this shit.
You have to assume! Literally anybody who reads things is doing a lot of things willfully at this age
yep I have seen a bunch of this too. It's great that they put it on their profiles bc that's such an easy automatic no.
it was on FEELD! An app with a fuckton of poly trans people on it.
.... perhaps not the intended takeaway but FEELD is good for polyam trans folk?
Just skeeted in response to someone else that I won't even watch her shit on broadcast TV even if it only gives her 3 cents in royalties. I do feel badly for all the actors who aren't transphobes, but I think all the major ones are on board with not being good to terfs.
Yep! I see this with gay men too - instant rejection, esp considering millennials are all but 30 year olds who should know better/have better taste by now.
there are so many people that have no idea about JKR's bullshit. It's something almost exclusively discussed in online spaces and it doesn't appear in legacy news. I've had to explain why I'm no longer into HP to a ton of people and they're always shocked to learn about it
I find it is just so easy to....not talk about a decades old book and film series? Like, it is not that hard. Anyone at this point is being either openly transphobic or obstinate in a transphobic way.
I did my Master's thesis at Baylor on Harry Potter. If *I* can leave the books in the dust, so can you!
Right?! I wrote an entire worship service liturgy and sermon on hp. It's so possible to be like, "welp, I will feel sad this is hurtful instead of fun now but I will be an adult about it."
Just curious, what was the title/topic of research
I have the same policy. At best, we exist in two very different worlds
It’s a red flag not only for all the real political issues, but because it speaks of adults with a critical lack of taste. A sin less heinous than bigotry but nearly as cringe
Looking back and staring at all those people who ate up that HP game while it's author was full on paying for bills that hurt people within their own community was insanely bewildering