
Avatar And then, sometimes, they make it explicit.
My art Finland’s Horned Shaman and Pre-Horned-God at least 4,500 years ago?
Do you have the source images for those and the dates associated? Any thoughts on the late arrival of Lu Ban? Also, any thoughts on whether the Tiamat tradition made it out of the ANE around 6000 to 5000 years ago? Or was there a more ancient Sea Snake myth?
Yes, I think, Ancient North Eurasians, likely transferred their mythology into Sumerians, by way of the Maykop culture around 6,000 to 5,000 or from North West Iran around 9,000 to 7,000 years ago.
Would you consider the Maykop as the predecessor of Urartu? Where do you place the Semitic languages in all of this. If I recall correctly the signs for Akkad and Urartu are the same. Inanna was initially an Urartan/Arattan deity.
The fact that Urartu went by the same sign as the Semitic Akkadians could be why the Hebrew scribes wrote their narrative with the descendants of Noah entering Sumer from the East.
I think Abraham (or someone, as I don't know or think Abraham was real) came from east Turkey, the DNA migration of the people later to become jews arrives in the area now that is now Israel. And Abraham's family is from according to the Bible and Abraham asked for a woman from South East Turkey.
Similarly, in Genesis 24:4–10, Abraham instructs his servant to bring a wife for Isaac from his moledet, and the servant departs for Haran.
In Genesis 12:1, after Abraham and his father Terah have left Ur KaΕ›dim for the city of Haran (probably Harran), God instructs Abraham to leave his native land (Hebrew moledet). The traditional Jewish understanding of the word moledet is "birthplace" (e.g. in the Judaica Press translation).
This is great, and fairly similar to the conclusions I've been coming to. Thanks for setting it up better for me like this! I find it really interesting that the Hebrew scribes claimed the descendants of Japheth would Χ©Χ›ΧŸ in the tents of Shem.
Maykop influenced the Sumerians and possibly the Egyptians too as they both have small bone placks as the earliest writing later to be Egyptian hieroglyphs. And they influenced the Kura–Araxes culture, and they influenced Urartu.
The are is of many different related snake or dragon art of various cultures. All links for the art are in the blog under the are were it lists "ref" meaning references.
My art Shaman Rock, on Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal, Siberia, with a natural rock image that resembles a dragon. And is one of the β€œNine Holy Sites of Asia.”