Damien Marie AtHope Ⓐ 🚩🏴🌍

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Damien Marie AtHope Ⓐ 🚩🏴🌍


Axiological Atheist, Philosopher & Autodidact Pre-Historical Writer/Researcher, Anti-theist, Anti-religionist, Anarcho Humanist, LGBTQI, Race, & Class equality.
Fascinating to see that there are still uncontacted tribes
I am a philosopher, so challenging ideas is very necessary and normal, to me. I am just as willing to be shown needed correction as I am in offering correction to the ideas of others. #1
“Theists, there has to be a god, as something can not come from nothing.” Well, thus, something (unknown) happened, and then there was something. This does not tell us what the something that may have been involved with something coming from nothing. #1
My art Prehistoric Pacific Northwest: Shell Mounds, Culture, Religion, Migrations, Languages, Clans, Power/Elites, Inequality, and Slavery damienmarieathope.com/2024/07/preh...
While I have often impressed some with my skilled words of anger, it is my world of kindness, that has truly changed lives. There is someone somewhere that remembers “you”, simply because you showed them kindness. So as often as you can, strive to be kind.
We all make a difference! Often we wait for others to be friendly, to be kind, to make a difference, or to be a leader. When we have such power all along, may I be friendly, Kind, make a difference, and be a leader of such active humanism, promoting human good….
The wisest thing I have ever done was choose to be kind and support kindness.
#1 Rethinking Hunter-Gatherer Ideas of Simplicity and Understanding Complex Hunter/Fisher-Gatherers www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhdz...
#1 Rethinking Hunter-Gatherer Ideas of Simplicity and Understanding Complex Hunter/Fisher-Gathererswww.youtube.com Rethinking Hunter-Gatherer Conceptions of Simplicity and Grasping How Some Were Complex Hunter/Fisher-Gatherers https://damienmarieathope.com/2024/06/rethinking-hunter-gatherer-conceptions-of-simplicity-and-grasping-how-some-were-complex-hunter-fisher-gatherers/ I worked hard on GATHERING this info and made art to help explain; there will be a few videos, also we will get to explaining the cultures in the Pacific Northwest in-depth. Addressing Pseudoarchaeology, Pseudohistory, Pseudojournalism, Pseudoscholarship, and Pseudoscience https://damienmarieathope.com/2023/04/addressing-pseudoarchaeology-pseudohistory-pseudojournalism-pseudoscholarship-and-pseudoscience/ Addressing Graham Hancock the Pseudoarchaeological Theorist, as well as Flaws in his Ancient Apocalypse, Great flood, and Seafaring R1b https://damienmarieathope.com/2022/12/addressing-graham-hancock-the-pseudoarchaeological-theorist-as-well-as-flaws-in-his-ancient-apocalypse-great-flood-and-seafaring-r1b/ John Hoopes (Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas), who Graham Hancock thinks is “the most vehement and insulting of all archaeologists” and I think is great, addresses Pseudoarchaeology, Pseudohistory, and Pseudoscience https://damienmarieathope.com/2023/01/john-hoopes-department-of-anthropology-who-graham-hancock-thinks-is-the-most-insulting-of-all-archaeologists-and-i-think-is-great-addresses-pseudoarchaeology-pseudohistory-and-pseudos/ Jeffrey (JT) Lewis is a southeastern archaeologist and Ph.D. Grad Student who makes archaeology YouTube videos https://damienmarieathope.com/2023/03/jeffrey-is-a-southeastern-archaeologist-and-ph-d-grad-student-who-makes-archaeology-youtube-videos/ Archaeology Tube by Dr. Bill Farley addressing Real Archaeology and Pseudoarchaeology as well as Science Communication with the Public https://damienmarieathope.com/2023/02/archaeology-tube-by-dr-bill-farley-aggressing-real-archaeology-and-pseudoarchaeology-as-well-as-science-communication-with-the-public/ I feel like Hancock knows he is lying. I have looked at lots of similar things in archaeology, anthropology, ethnography, genetics/DNA, and comparative mythology and it doesn’t support what Hancock claims at all. Or I could say Hancock has ideas that are clearly wrong, especially regarding his claims that ancient seafarers (r1b DNA migration stated in his blog) taught Native Americans advanced cultures such as building and mathematics. His ideas are wrong even if he believes them and saying wild things geared to selling books seems believable. Science, like logic, should follow truth devoid of political or religious/nonreligious beliefs or persuasions. To me, to do otherwise is to move away from science and, thus, risks falling into pseudoscience. Joe Rogan Experience #2136 - Graham Hancock & Flint Dibble: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DL1_EMIw6w How Joe Rogan Was Fooled by Graham Hancock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeIj_rNYhCU “From the River to the Sea” Anti-semitism, Anti-Palestinianism, or both/neither? https://damienmarieathope.com/2024/05/from-the-river-to-the-sea-anti-semitism-anti-palestinianism-or-both-neither/ My best Video talking about My thoughts on “Religion and Deity Evolution” with Questions and Answers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2SIs2KUnaw&t=1s I hope our prehistory/history education videos inspire resistance in people today, by a desire for anarchism and a destain for not only capitalism but all hierarchy in general, seeing how deeply harmful it truly has always been to humanity. The “Atheist-Humanist-Leftist Revolutionaries” Cory Johnston ☭ Ⓐ Atheist Leftist @Skepticallefty & I (Damien Marie AtHope) @AthopeMarie (my YouTube & related blog) are working jointly in atheist, antitheist, antireligionist, antifascist, anarchist, socialist, and humanist endeavors in our videos together, generally, when we feel like it. Cory Johnston: Mind of a Skeptical Leftist @Skepticallefty: https://damienmarieathope.com/2021/04/cory-johnston-mind-of-a-skeptical-leftist/?v=32aec8db952d “Damien is trying to show people how things were in ancient civilizations so that they can be informed about how we got to where we are now.” - Cory Johnston ☭ Ⓐ @Skepticallefty Damien webpage: http://damienmarieathope.com/ Damien blog: http://damienmarieathope.com/blog/ Damien Marie AtHope's Prehistory Knowledge: Art, Blog Posts, and videos https://damienmarieathope.com/2021/11/damien-marie-athopes-prehistory-knowledge-art-blog-posts-and-videos/?v=32aec8db952d
Is the truth ever going to be as useful as lying for political reasons?
Liberal is not the same as a Democrat. A Democrat can be conservative, neoliberal, liberal, progressive, etc. Liberal: “willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas”, I am an anarchist-socialist with liberal thinking.
I often struggle for a better world but it is hard when hate is more motivating than love… Shamefully, the world thrives on bigotry and it needs to stop, no matter what style of society it is wrong.
I've long believed that there's nothing spooky about the universe, and anything that appears spooky is merely a poorly understood natural process. Also, not sure being just intelligent enough to need to invent supernatural explanations makes humans all that smart. More cunning than smart, I think.
What if truth, mattered? Would we be more open-minded, or did you think you were already good, no improvement needed as most do, or do you let “new knowledge” alluded to, get in? #1
If Americanism has taught us anything, it is that this “land” (people claiming colonialism as a birthright) loves bigotry, hate, lying, violence, denial, and unscientific explanations to just about any damn thing that can’t get away fast enough.
The sad history of democracy is one of continued bigotry of elites and slaves, but now with a happy face or less unhappy faces, I should say, for more accuracy, as some non-slaves were a little more equal in a limited kind of way and/or scope.
The greatest lie ever, was the fraud of democracy, from its conceptions in Greece, claiming the freedom to vote, all the while upholding the institution of slavery. We today are sold the lie of capitalism, and the elite that play in space, while children starve in the streets…
I like learning prehistory! I also hate: “Pseudo-science, Pseudo-history, and Pseudo-morality.” So yeah, history is fun, but one must weed through the sometimes added mythology, half-truths, or outright lies. This is even more important when reading religion-related information.
Do good, make no excuses, just do good, the world desperately needs more of this, and if we all do more, we all win. We rise by helping each other.
I do anarchist teaching of prehistory, in that I don’t just make a blog, expecting people to come to me. No, I take all my knowledge and like a gorilla soldier, I force-feed to the world my knowledge, one piece at a time, that is just what is needed. So, I heed that call and teach in public…
I don’t class any religious thinking as primitive but in error to what I see as a natural-only world, that religious thinking then makes up a myriad of non-natural/non-empirical themes/beings, stories, and myths about which group together are called religions.
I see all religions as having shared or similar features or core elements that relate to religious terms Animism, Totemism, Shamanism, or Paganism including Abrahamic (Judaism, Christianity, or Islam) religious thinking.
I don’t see religious terms Animism, Totemism, Shamanism, or Paganism as primitive but original or core elements that are different parts of world views and their supernatural/non-natural beliefs or thinking.
Nothing is a justified true belief without valid or reliable reason and evidence; just as everything believed must be open to question, leaving nothing above challenge.
I am mainly a prehistorian, 1 million to around 5,000/4,000 years ago. So, while I may understand the past, most don’t. I don’t know a lot of history many seem to commonly know. I am not reading any more books, maybe ever again (not likely), as I am tired from a life devoted to deep study. lol
I fully enjoy the value (axiology) of archaeology (empirical evidence) is knowledge (epistemology) of the past, adding to our anthropology (evidence from cultures both the present and past) intellectual (rational) assumptions of the likely reality of actual events from time past.