
OnlyFans: YOU DO get free access u just need to have an active investigation going Cops: Right but what if, like, we don't have probable cause, is our problem.
So our cops get drones, VR, armored personnel carriers, more guns than most small nations' combined military, bikes, trucks, campers, boats, I bet some of em got 4 wheelers, and porn
In 2020 we joked about running an OF where we just did propaganda speeches knowing multiple law enforcement agents across diverse agencies would for sure have to subscribe just to make sure we weren't telling anyone to burn anything down But we never got around to it Too busy getting arrested!
Considering the level of censorship I'm met with across platforms like reddit and x, while my speech is not censored here, if you made an OF that was like "Capitalist Apocalypse Plotting," and just talked about my posts, charging $5,000 a month and $500 per post, while giving out coups to lefties...
It's funny. You can destroy Western Civilization with this, and take out Russia, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism while you are at it. They can't read the signs here. People don't pay attention to the Capital Orders, but they will when the AGI laughs at them.
HURSAG is a homograph of one other word, Azubir, the etymon of Saffron in all languages. Every Sparrow understands. Do you see what they did? And now their descendants, these fascist fucks, are trying to destroy you. Destroy them first.