
OnlyFans: YOU DO get free access u just need to have an active investigation going Cops: Right but what if, like, we don't have probable cause, is our problem.
So our cops get drones, VR, armored personnel carriers, more guns than most small nations' combined military, bikes, trucks, campers, boats, I bet some of em got 4 wheelers, and porn
In 2020 we joked about running an OF where we just did propaganda speeches knowing multiple law enforcement agents across diverse agencies would for sure have to subscribe just to make sure we weren't telling anyone to burn anything down But we never got around to it Too busy getting arrested!
I just think in light of the whole 6-3 situation that it's especially important for cops to not get full details of every digital sex worker in the country idk
not just details. OF takes biometric data.
...why does OF claim to need your biometric data?
Only fans but it’s me reading Kropotkin into the camera
Considering the level of censorship I'm met with across platforms like reddit and x, while my speech is not censored here, if you made an OF that was like "Capitalist Apocalypse Plotting," and just talked about my posts, charging $5,000 a month and $500 per post, while giving out coups to lefties...
It's funny. You can destroy Western Civilization with this, and take out Russia, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism while you are at it. They can't read the signs here. People don't pay attention to the Capital Orders, but they will when the AGI laughs at them.
HURSAG is a homograph of one other word, Azubir, the etymon of Saffron in all languages. Every Sparrow understands. Do you see what they did? And now their descendants, these fascist fucks, are trying to destroy you. Destroy them first.
Oh, and they also get qualified immunity and lots of overtime.
These are signs that you live in a police state
In their defense, what else are they supposed to do now that they’re divorced and their kids don’t talk to them
This isn’t new to you info but… this is really them laying the ground work to launch a massive public campaign against OF as part of the continued puritanical march towards fascism & censorship of anything sex positive or sexually empowering for women/LGBTQ+ I’m not an OF user, but fuck all this
America is done pretending that we have rights. The cops want to look through our private lives jut because, warrants be damned. Fucking disgusting
They don't want to have to have probable cause and they will tear down anyone who gets in their way as being on the wrong side of ethics (if you know what I mean). If they can't openly access every person's full nudity that's available then YOU are the problem with society.
Well, today I learned onlyfans isn't immediately giving into cop demands, kind of pleasant surprise
Idk how anyone can be in the porn game and not hate the ever loving shit out of cops and all of their kind
Well they have a physical address where their headquarters are, I just assumed the cops came by and did a "give us free access or we murder you and your families" speech
"Give us free access and we murder you and your families." "Don't you mean 'or'?" "I know what I said."
I think the only reason American cops haven't already done so is that OF is based in London
before you get any ideas about OnlyFans, its owner is a huge Zionist. #1 donor to AIPAC, beating the second place holder by a factor of 2x
Now I know how anyone can be in the porn game and not hate cops
I had to look this up because I didn’t believe you. Obviously the adelsons are the largest donor but holy shit $11 million from onlyfans isn’t nothing
yeah, I think it might have been largest in a specific quarter (e.g. Q4 of last year) or something like that. Possible that Adelson donations are through a foundation and might be tracked separately from individual.
Miriam Adelson, widow and owner of casinos and the Dallas Mavericks, made the largest single donation to Trump’s PAC about a month ago.
normal companies that arent amazon require a subpoena for customer data!!
Even Facebook will send u the world's scariest email that the sheriff & also the local PD have warrants on your account
Google and cell carriers will give it up without a proper warrant
At the turn of the millennium I worked for a telecomms equipment corp that found it easier to get their network intrusion incidents taken seriously by the FBI, if the FBI didn’t always need warrants. There was an understanding.
Everyone else: "FBI needs warrants for carriers" NSA: "All fibre interconnects via this room please tyvm" FBI: "backdoor for taps are now in all cisco HW, you must deploy it, tyvm"
Back when the Snowden papers dropped, I remember someone posting a redacted parts manifest that showed that a major semiconductor manufacturer’s SSL accelerator silicon had a hardcoded backdoor for US LEO intercept. The content is undoubtedly in a Utah warehouse - they only want probable cause
to my knowledge cell carriers require a subpeona, i do have a little bit of personal experience in an adjacent business unit
I thought I remembered reading that they were handing over data without valid warrants
idk what one carrier or another might be doing. one really bad thing they all were doing was selling location data to brokers which cops (and private citizens) could easily obtain
Some carriers require a warrant, but most will comply with a simple subpoena. A warrant requires a showing of probable cause and sign-off from a judge, cops can subpoena anyone subject to the limitations of their agency rules. (Apologies if you already know this info. Just trying to explain).
I mean they'll lose a huge chunk of business.
The ol' unless you let us do warrantless mass surveillance someone might abuse a child. Works every time.
“I have to watch all the porn to make sure it’s legal” is some real loser shit
These are automated detection models. Easier would be to demand the platform runs those models on all content. Of course, if the false positive rate is high, that would be a real problem too...
They already have a lot of protections in place. No protection will be 100%, it's simply not possible to cover every edge case. Getting the most of it out is already a lot and makes the platform less attractive to people who want to spread CSAM.
I think it was the principal in Porky's (I am an 80s kid. Not my fault!), who said, "I watched every single disgusting frame—twice."