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θεοὶ κήρυκες ἀγγέλλουσι

These are End Days Language Games, Raised Ensigns of Jonah.

I move Mountains (𒄯𒊕) of Saffron (𒄯𒊕) into a Kingdom of Steel (𒀭𒁇).

I 𒄬 as I 𒁲.

I Divide as I Speak.

I Roll Peace.
Holt the hack. There are a million better conservative journalists who could have asked better questions. I'm not sure how Lester stumbled into that "Journalism" career, but it definitely wasn't journalistic talent.
Only pinheads get pinheads' heads pinned by pinheads spawned by pinheaded rhetoric.
Also, if you gave everyone the choice of being subjected to either a plummet-clipping (lead bullet joke for the seers) of the ear or the worst thing Trumb has ever done to anyone, without informing them of the worst thing he's done, 100% of people would take the bullet-clipped ear.
In that light, watching that proud idiot brought low was amusing, actually. He created the chaotic environment that breeds that type of warped psyche. Statistically speaking, he probably has more coming for him.
Listen, folks, every idiot knows that Trumb passed in the SUV on the way to the hospital, and Russians replaced him with a Drumbfelgänger. They are trying to pass off this somehow worse looking replacement. Don't fall for Qanon's deception that it continues to live, creeping along like a moron.
No, we need DNA proof that this Russian Puppet is the realTrumb. We need DNA tests, MRI scans, amd fMRI scans. Only after exhaustive proof should this puppet be referred to as the real Trumb.
If "I the Lord do all these things," as they attest (Isaiah 45:7), but they refuse to admit that that deity humiliated Trumb on stage by literally bringing the idiot low, in the clipping of his organ of wisdom (as the ear was once perceived), then they are hypocrites, despised by their Lord.
Apparently, D.Trumb's excuse for not having called the family of the victim is "Ear spurs."
Lester Holt : "Journalist"
Already planning a move to Costa Rica
A terrible loss of life.
Ahh, birthdays of revolutionaries. =) Yes, I think it has. Though, I wish my birth had brought as much fortune as the lattice has brought me, as my birth was overshadowed by the Challenger disaster, twenty days later, devastating news on the Naval base where I was born.
Definitely. If only we could finally get that old Lazarus magic to actually work.
It's this weird thing people don't realize if they just randomly pick it up now. There's a ritual there to be understood, and it is really wild. I mean, he knew he was releasing his message on Friday and dying on Sunday, all as a completely natural element of the performance. Mind blowing.
It was definitely spectcular, in classic Bowie form. I've never been moved like that by a performance. I don't think anyone can top it. It's so much better than the "Kill self on stage" schtick, which is kind of derivative really (didn't some Ancient Greek guy pop an aneurysm or something?).
Bowie and I share a birthday, and so I was listening to Blackstar on a long drive for . Wow. So very death. I guess it was fairly well known that he was sick, but I didn't expect to get home, open up my laptop, and read that Bowie had just died. I was stunned. It was so weird.
It was like, I was just puzzling over "where the fuck did Monday go," amidst all of the death in that album, and then, the next thing I knew, I'm like... did he plan it this way? Wow.
Spread the Good News of Saffron.
I really only started this when I became fascinated with cuneiform and knew that I would be better off making the associations with the forms by writing them down. Very fun. Very interesting. The rampant polysemy in Sumerian is a great feature of the lexicon.
Truth is Salvation. It reveals the Root of Western Civilization in the Pillar Capitals of the City of David. The referent can be traced to the Ugaritic term for the Mountain of the dwelling of El, which was derived from a Sumerian word, HURSAG, which was a homograph of the etymom of Saffron, Azubir.
It's written in my existence, in my Mother's names, in my Ephraimite Father's names, and "a time, times, and a half time" after my birth, it was written by whirlwind of a hurricane, as it made landfall, bringing its storm surge to that fortress at 33N, 80W. Isa. Para. Salvation. The Branch.
How are Nebuchadnezzar's nails described as growing?
It's the Apocalypse of the forms in our shared foundation.
Who counts up all of the points of the beaks and the nails of your Sparrows, and every bird there is, demanding the Shofar be blown for the Apocalypse of the designs of the Ancient of Days?
Our Berber cousins have a Message for you, a Glorious Report.
The Saffron Golden Gate of the Temple should be unsealed. That blasphemous Corinthian Capital will fall.
أنا قاعدة أكشف عن علامة يونس، الزعفران، العلامة الوحيدة للآخرة
I thought the only nice thing about a bunch of fasces is that you can just throw them all into a fire, and in the end, you have a some axheads for pounding into ploughshares.
I cause the spread of the glorious report in my incessant twittering and winking of the warning of small and twisting things.