Tahar 🇺🇦 🇵🇸 🇺🇳 🇪🇺

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Tahar 🇺🇦 🇵🇸 🇺🇳 🇪🇺


Is there a doubt about this? None, as far as I’m concerned.
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
Good to see the red/pink belt that surrounds Paris (la ceinture rouge) back. It’s no longer the old communist party that dominate that belt, but a Left-wing coalition made serious progress there tonight.
As I said here. Catturd & all white supremacists in this country were waiting to celebrate Marine Le Pen’s victory.
Future Trump WH spokesman Catturd2 with the least predictable take on the French election results.
Michel Debré, author of the constitution of the 5th Republic, was an institutional genius By opting for the two-round system, his aim was to minimize the impact of small parties (avoid the chaos of the 3rd/4th Republics). It turns out it’s also effective at keeping the extreme-right away from power
I’m certain of 1 thing: the US white supremacist extreme-right was carefully watching 🇫🇷’s legislative elections & was ready to celebrate the victory of the RN/Le Pen. The French ppl turning out in huge numbers deprived them of that. We can do the same in November, & wipe that smile off their faces.
My last point on #France elections: DO NOT underestimate the impact of the failure of the extreme-right to win a majority. After successes in the Euro elections, the 1st round, & favorable socio-econ conditions, the extreme-right failed. This failure will echo throughout Europe & probably the US.
My last point on #France elections: DO NOT underestimate the impact of the failure of the extreme-right to win a majority. After successes in the Euro elections, the 1st round, & favorable socio-econ conditions, the extreme-right failed. This failure will echo throughout Europe & probably the US.
In their speeches, JL Mélenchon, Olivier Faure & François Hollande sang from the same hymn sheet. How long will this last? That’s the Q that will determine whether the NFP will be successful or not.
Olivier Faure, head of the PS & member of the NFP coalition, in his soft spoken ways, seconds Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s position.
Mélenchon is putting the bar for negotiations with Macron very high. Taking non-negotiable positions on issues of domestic politics. In other words, will be the kingmaker iwithout being a PM, & is clearly positioning himself to run for president in 3 years. On that, there is no doubt at all.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, as the French would say, “est une grosse gueule”
Mélenchon is putting the bar for negotiations with Macron very high. Taking non-negotiable positions on issues of domestic politics. In other words, will be the kingmaker iwithout being a PM, & is clearly positioning himself to run for president in 3 years. On that, there is no doubt at all.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon right now (roughly translation): “the president’s party was clearly defeated. The president must call on the NFP to form a government” Mélenchon is basically saying hell no to a PM from the Ensemble coalition.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon right now (roughly translation): “the president’s party was clearly defeated. The president must call on the NFP to form a government” Mélenchon is basically saying hell no to a PM from the Ensemble coalition.
One more thing: Jean-Luc Melenchon might not want to be a PM bc that’s a poisoned gift. He will for sure run for president, & he doesn’t want his popularity to be tarnished by being a PM in a cohabitation gov like Chirac was in 1986, & was then defeated in 88 by Mitterrand.
The collapse of the mainstream right in France is absolutely biblical.
Correction: the majority is 289, not 298. Damn typos 😔
So what’s now, you ask? The NFP doesn’t have a majority, but holds the largest number of seats. So, it’ll need to cobble together enough seats to reach 298. That means NFP will have to negotiate with Div.G & Ensemble to form a coalition & governing majority. There will be a LOT of horse-trading
So what’s now, you ask? The NFP doesn’t have a majority, but holds the largest number of seats. So, it’ll need to cobble together enough seats to reach 298. That means NFP will have to negotiate with Div.G & Ensemble to form a coalition & governing majority. There will be a LOT of horse-trading
#France: The coalition of Left did very well. I predicted they’d become the 2nd largest group in the parliament, I was wrong. They are the 1st group now with between 172-192 seats. It’s a cohabitation scenario, & Macron will have to share power with NFP. Big question: will Mélenchon be the next PM?
The French did it! They really did it!!!
The lesson that we Americans must learn from France is this: You GO OUT, VOTE IN LARGE NUMBERS, VOTE STRATEGICALLY, VOTE WITH BRAIN, YOU SUCCEED & WIN! Period. End of story. Is the French Left-wing coalition perfect? No, by a mile, but it’s a HELL OF LOT BETTER than the Neo-Nazis in suits & ties.
#France: The coalition of Left did very well. I predicted they’d become the 2nd largest group in the parliament, I was wrong. They are the 1st group now with between 172-192 seats. It’s a cohabitation scenario, & Macron will have to share power with NFP. Big question: will Mélenchon be the next PM?
This is a BIG surprise! A GREAT surprise! The Left-wing coalition won!!! Strategic voting worked MARVELOUSLY!
#France: The coalition of Left did very well. I predicted they’d become the 2nd largest group in the parliament, I was wrong. They are the 1st group now with between 172-192 seats. It’s a cohabitation scenario, & Macron will have to share power with NFP. Big question: will Mélenchon be the next PM?
#France: The coalition of Left did very well. I predicted they’d become the 2nd largest group in the parliament, I was wrong. They are the 1st group now with between 172-192 seats. It’s a cohabitation scenario, & Macron will have to share power with NFP. Big question: will Mélenchon be the next PM?
#France: result of the legislative elections. No majority of the RN, but a plurality.
#France: result of the legislative elections. No majority of the RN, but a plurality.
#France: This chart is instructive. It gives you an overall idea on who’s dropping out of the 2nd round in order to block/defeat RN candidates
#France: This chart is instructive. It gives you an overall idea on who’s dropping out of the 2nd round in order to block/defeat RN candidates
Just a couple of observations: 1-the turnout rate of the 2nd round might very well be higher than of the 1st round; & 2-you have to go back 43 years, 1981, to find a higher turnout rate.
Good! Fuck the @nytimes.com
Wow. @nytimes.com has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
NEW: updated edition of our American Autocracy Threat Tracker Shows the full range of Trump’s dictatorship would look like— including proof of his close ties to Project 2025 “He is lying when he denies it and we have the receipts.” www.justsecurity.org/92714/americ...
American Autocracy Threat Trackerwww.justsecurity.org A comprehensive catalog of the autocratic threat to democracy based on former President Donald Trump and his associates’ autocratic plans and promises.
Wow!!! Why don’t you just call Kamala Harris the N-word and get it over with?
Subtle. Very subtle.
I think there are a bunch of federal statutes dealing with the creation & distribution of counterfeit money. If you are knowingly distributing counterfeit dollars, that’s a federal crime
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
This is useful! Post it on your parents Facebook feed! I'm serious. This is the kind of shit they'll share!
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
Can we please fire Gareth Southgate even if he wins the whole damn thing? Go beg Jürgen Klopp, & offer him the keys to Buckingham Palace, if you have to, to take #ENG🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 bc Southgate is wasting a good & talented group of players.
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise. 🎥 #filmsky
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise. 🎥 #filmsky (there is alt text for those interested)
In about 1 minute, I will start cussing Gareth Southgate & gesturing & yelling at the tv like a crazy person to the immense amusement of my wife Having said that, come on, you 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿