
The real history of the CIA will always sound like wild conspiracy theories to people who don’t understand that conspiracies are all the CIA does.
They tried to kill Lumumba with poison toothpaste, Fidel with an exploding cigar. These are not normal people.
For their operations against Sukarno they produced a pornographic film with an actor in a latex Sukarno mask in an attempt to discredit him that nobody bought. They released Lucky Luciano from prison to set up a heroin trafficking operation to generate funds for Gladio. Etc. etc.
They had Cardinal Spellman produce anticommunist sermons to be delivered in Guatemalan churches to turn the people against Árbenz. They dosed Whitey Bulger with LSD while he was in prison. They proposed bombing US citizens in Operation Northwoods to justify anti-Castro action.
Like basically just do a MadLib on your own and it’s probably a real operation in a declassified memo somewhere.
If you’re interested in the psychopaths who orchestrated the early years of this shit I highly recommend the book The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War by Stephen Kinzer.
They have all sorts of failed cultural interventions in Cuba, from the failed twitter clone to funding anti-communist hip hop artists from the Cuban diaspora that just didn’t pan out, but deep down I still reserve suspicion that Pitbull may be a CIA industry plant.
looney tunes ass alphabet agency
they hired a prominent toy designer to make a Bin Laden action figure that degrades in the heat to give it a devil face to be distributed to kids in Afghanistan the operation was scrapped but not before some of the toys had been made
Just the world's most sadistic WASPs that could withhold their contempt for humanity long enough to get an elite education