Baby Boy Monaghan

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Baby Boy Monaghan

Progredi cotidie. Arts editor for MPR as Max Sparber. Award-winning writer and author. 3X illegitimate. He/him.
Mad Men has Don Draper haunted by the ghost of Bert Cooper, but aren't we all in our way haunted by toxic libertarians with a taste for Japanese tentacle porn?
I don't think David Duchovny ever got enough credit for once looking like a Jewish child making a Robert DeNiro face
As a Gen-X’er, I’m not really liking that Gen-X’ers are starting to do the “We are the generation you don’t mess with” social media shtick that Boomers were doing 10 years ago.
After three decades of wearing size large shirts, I bought a medium as an experiment, and I have been wearing the wrong size shirt for 30 years.
I like my Jims like I like my Shadies: Slim
Me: (desperately trying to seem sexually sophisticated but only locating mental references to 1970s sitcoms) I like it American style.
There is a lot of be critical of Tom Cruise but I do appreciate that when he was offered the role of Les Grossman, which could have been the biggest antisemitic caricature ever lensed, he said he wanted big hands and to hip hop dance, neither of which are antisemitic stereotypes.
TikTok-style sites keep trying to make me watch new comedians, and I would be amendable, but every single one seems like their comedy styling is "Hey, I am an extremely mean person."
God, the sheer power of this image
I was glad to see William Atherton have a cameo in the new Ghostbusters film because I think he's a genuinely terrific actor who has been typecast because he's great at playing a-holes (the Paul Gleason curse). But if we're going to do fanservice cameos, bring back Peter MacNicol too.
Thinking about it, Popeye was a film filled with celebrities that I genuinely loved. I try to be cautious about my feelings about strangers because I do not know them, but Robin Williams, Shelley Duvall, Ray Walston, Harry Nilsson, Paul Dooley, Altman? I loved their work. So much. All gone now.
RIP Shelley Duvall, an absolute delight, unfathomable to Hollywood, but exactly the sort of expected spice that made 70s cinema so memorable. I loved her and am sad to hear of her death.
I suspect rich people want to terraform Mars because they want a place to live when Earth becomes uninhabitable, but I feel like it's probably easier to terraform Earth back into someplace habitable
Really enjoying the New Orleans rock band Blue Ersta Cult and their hit song Don’t Fear the Reaper Say Hi to Your Mother n’Em.
Every time I see Coleman, I say “sugar lumps,” her one line in Angel Summoner and BMX Bandit
so weird to see people talking about The Bear saying “isn’t it WILD to discover Olivia Colman can do television comedy??” like, how deeply sad for you that you’ve never watched Numberwang, a real tv game show that actually exists in reality
Greek literature: All our heroes are dicks
Every time this stupid ass meme shows up, I always feel like it's done by someone who's never read Older Literature and their take on Martin comes from hearing people in another room talk about the TV show
I had thought the fact that Beetle Bailey and Lois from Hi and Lois are siblings was astonishing but today I found out Mary Lucia and Paul Westerberg are siblings.
I like watching videos in which chiropractors crack people's joints but I do know that I am probably watching secret vertebral artery dissection snuff
There is a woman on TikTok who critiques videos in which hydraulic presses crush things and I aspire to this level of aesthetic specificity.
I made some significant changes to my eating habits and I think it is causing me to lose weight, but it is so hard to tell because the scale will read the same amount for two months but your pants will slide off when you stand up.
You know those families where every single member is wildly accomplished? My family is like that, except for "accomplished" substitute "chaotic."
I both think that Lolita is a masterpiece and the reasons it is part of the canon are highly suspect
I'm wondering how many times Marvel filmmakers have had to opt out of a shot of Earth from space because they haven't decided whether or not to eject The Eternals from the canon yet.
Sometimes it feels like women of my mother's generation were only able to pick from a limited selection of narcissists, and were lucky if they wound up with one who wasn't a total wrecking ball.
The story is that Kubrick couldn't get George C. Scott to do anything but his patented glowering serious performance, and so before every shot he would say, well, let's do one silly one to get it out of the way, and then used all the silly ones.
rewatched dr strangelove and cannot stop thinking about the comment “he’s just doing tim robinson” about george c scott
I keep setting things in motion that are going to make for a very strange year.
God help me, I bought a guitar tonight