
Dad is in the hospital because he has coughed so violently he has herniated his lung through his ribs. So that's a new horror of possibility. Trying to find thoracic team that will see him as this is not something they teach in med school.
So no one knows how to fix a herniated lung and they are trying to get his coughing under control before undergoing anesthesia and so whatever repair they eventually do, does not rupture again. So no surgery today (likely not this week) and hopes the lung does not strangle itself I guess.
What on earth! I'm so sorry that your dad is medically interesting! That's the worst ❤️
It really is. I can normally roll with the punches when it is like oh XYZ, here is our recommended plan of treatment, etc. This is like a whole bunch of medical professionals wincing.
Nobody ever wants to be a medical mystery, but this specific instance is horrifying to imagine. It sounds agonizingly painful. I'm so sorry. Your poor dad!
Frick! I’m so sorry! Hopefully they figure this out quickly.
Good gravy! Let’s be less inventive, Pops! Heavens.
Holy cow! That sounds excruciating! I hope they can figure it out quick.
I didn't think that was possible! Good grief!. I hope he feels better soon 💜