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Whine a lot. Ice cream lover. she/her
I love my weighted blanket. I love that it has a cover. Untying and retying all the attachment points every time I wash the cover is brutal* *annoying 10 minutes of putzing
It's always once the object is in the oven that I realize I messed up the recipe. Always. Shrugging my shoulders on this one and hoping banana bread is forgiving enough. I'm so rusty at baking and should have known better than to wing it.
Reposted byAvatar Nicki
If you gave me infinite guesses on who owns those Redbox DVD rentals I wouldn’t have gotten it
I'm 46 and this is my goal of every vacation.
apparently r has eaten ice cream every day of the trip. i'm honestly ok with this being a formative element of her concept of ~being on vacation~
It has been a WILD ride of test driving a million vehicles in 10 days and spreadsheeting out my ears. So the dealership has a Pop The Trunk promotion where you get 40 2liters of soda with every purchase. I have a vehicle. I have soda. Now I drink.
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I wrote about: How Instagram is helping to split my husband and me into separate realities. Those overnight oats subscription ads. And also a super pretty lady weeping on my husband’s shoulder. (I was not that pretty lady 😅)
I have test drove 15 vehicles in 3 days and my phone is EXPLODING with followup. If I get a Nicole text because they have my license in the system, that's not very good sales notes. (And yes I realize it is probably safer than Nikki/Nicki/Nickie/Nicky choices. Still annoyed.)
Let out a monster fart and now pouting no one wants to snuggle him.
For the first time in their 7-year existence, Kelsey and Fergus are eating a meal without a referee between them.
I had no idea where my phone was or what time it was from about 8 am to 3 pm. It was outstanding. I love vacation.
Separate Desperate English is stupid.
J has been tearing shit up and re-routing plumbing and gas lines in the basement. I'm very grateful to shower at home again, but we leave for cabin on Saturday and I haven't been able to do laundry in a month.
She has apparently forgiven me for this morning's betrayal of needle poke at the vet.
At the vet. Because there have not been enough scary medical news in the past 2 weeks, Kelsey has decided to grow a shoulder lump.
Okay dad is more stable - as in his pain is managed and he is able to rest. NOW I am willing to discuss discharge with a later thoracic follow-up. (No I do not believe his chest muscle will magically heal and push lung back to where it should be, but that is a later issue to disagree about.)
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Normally I am all for the goal of discharge and you heal better at home, but they are talking about discharging my dad until they figure out what to do and I am like THAT IS A HORRIBLE REASON.
Hooray for online charting. Boo for a parent that changes the password and thinks they wrote it down somewhere. (And this would be the parent that is not the patient. The patient doesn't use email or computers.)
Dad is in the hospital because he has coughed so violently he has herniated his lung through his ribs. So that's a new horror of possibility. Trying to find thoracic team that will see him as this is not something they teach in med school.
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So his implication here is that most men are not excited about their marriage and children? Or else they would dedicate themselves to the true vocation of being husbands and fathers instead of pursuing careers outside the home, right?
Reposted byAvatar Nicki
Thinking of all the servers working brunch today. 🙏🏻
J tonight "I've never been to a presidential library" Me "we went to JFK in 2018" J "that wasn't a presidential library" Me "WTF. Of course it was. What else was it?" J "I don't know but it wasn't an official presidential library" And this is why I hate mansplaining. I WAS THERE.
Gee, so nice to be home from tornado alley in order to be in the basement.
Home. Reunited. Snuggled in.
Well the Brewers blew it, but I got a gourmet hot dog, a frozen custard sundae, and we made it back to hotel before the storms. I am not disappointed.
J declared one BBQ meal per day, so he took me out tonight for fried chicken.