Jennifer Lynn Bartlett

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Jennifer Lynn Bartlett

Sharing the joy of astronomy through practical applications, teaching, and public outreach
writing in personal capacity, opinions my own
#science #astronomy #histsci #scicomm #stemed
A first glimpse of the ship down a crowded side street promises boundless sea and limitless sky. #celestialnavigation
For those who celebrate, may #light surround you. Happy #summersolstice! At 4:51 PM US EDT, the #Sun reached its maximum declination, or height above the celestial equator. #astrophysics #SolsticeDay #solstice #calendar #timekeeping 🍎
#AAS244 visit historic Washburn #Observatory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison while you are in town open 8:30-10:30 PM US CDT June 10-13 #astrophysics #histsci #ExploreAstronomy #stargazing
Experience South Africa's astronomical legacy at #IAUGA2024! From pioneering lunar photography to capturing the great comet of 1882, Cape Observatory's rich history shines. Join us in Cape Town, 6-15 August 2024, for this historic event, the first IAU GA on African soil! 🌍🔭
#AAS244 are you interested in the wealth of #astrophysics #observations recorded on photographic plates? stop by iPoster 107.1 9 AM US CDT June 10 to learn about unlocking these unique records #data #openscience #histsci #ExploreAstronomy #astrophotography #photography
#AAS244 are you interested in older scientific #literature, the foundational papers of our #astrophysics? Stop by iposter 107.02 9 AM US CDT June 10 Historic Observatory Publications in the #NASA ADS to learn about these & how to contribute #histsci #library #scicomm
At beautiful #UNC-Chapel Hill for "New Technologies and Dangerous Questions in Astronomy #Education." Should #communication skills be taught in Astro101 or any astronomy course? #moreheadplanet #STEMed #scicom #digitaltransformation #astrophysics 🍎
The @adsabs & @SciXcommunity team shares information about NASA SciX feature updates and other announcements in our monthly release report. Check out what's new for May and subscribe to the report mailing list online at
Today, May 8 is last day for #AbSciCon24 exhibit hall. Stop by to learn more about #NASA #Science Explorer and to tell us how we can support your #research better. #AbSciCon #astrobiology #earthscience #planetaryscience #heliophysics #astrophysics #library #ProfessionalDevelopment
Hey #AbSciCon24 - don't forget to visit @bartlettastro today or tomorow at the NASA Science Explorer booth #5 for a demo of the new NASA SciX digital library portal! Not at the conference this year? Visit us at to learn more.
Zhen Holmes, astrobiologist, fiber artist You inspire me. Scintilla is magnificent. #AbSciCon24 #astrobiology #knitting #art #womeninSTEM #STEAM #biology
For those who celebrate, may the #Pascha message bless your life with hope. Approximating #vernalequinox with Julian vs Gregorian #calendar frequently causes different #Easter #Sunday #Orthodox and western #Christian churches. #OrthodoxEaster #timekeeping #equinox #astrophysics 🍎 #year #Easter
For those who celebrate, may you find new meaning in the recounting of the Passover. The #Jewish #calendar keeps both #lunar #months and #solar #years, so 15 Nissan is also #fullmoon. #timekeeping #Pessach #astrophysics 🍎
They've done it! Voyager 1 is talking to NASA again. After 5 months of absolutely heroic efforts from the JPL team, they isolated a single faulty memory chip in one of the onboard computers. The coding workaround sounds both cunning and devious, and it's worked. 🥳🧪🔭 ℹ️:
Sadly Voyager1 is glitching again. Currently in interstellar space,15 billion miles away, it can receive commands, but is unable to return data.🤞Hoping NASA can fix its 46yo computer that has less memory than a car key fob. The 45 hr time lag between send/receive makes troubleshooting hard though.🧪🔭
"this fragile earth, our island home" -- BCP 1979 #Earth from #Space Image by #Apollo17 taken Dec 7, 1972 #NASA #astronaut #photograph AS17-148-22727 #bluemarble (public domain) #EarthDay #astrophysics #spacetechnology #histsci 🍎
Happy Earth Day from the IAU GA 2024 in Cape Town, Africa! 🌍 ✨ Today, as we celebrate our planet's beauty and diversity, we also reflect on the importance of preserving it for future generations. At #IAUGA2024, we're committed to advancing astronomy for a sustainable future.🔭
Grateful to the #D'Hanis community for letting us join their #eclipse festival. While the weather was not ideal, their hospitality could not be overshadowed. #eclipse2024
From the pages of a book to the vast expanse of space, libraries open doors to endless possibilities. Join Dr. Stephanie Jarmak in celebrating #NationalLibrarianDay and honoring those who cultivate curiosity and fuel imagination.
⏰ Don't miss out on the I#IAUGA2024! ⏰ Attention all attendees: Time is running out to finalize your registration payment in-person event. Register now to be part of the world’s largest international astronomy meeting! 🔭 Register here:
Applications for the NASA SciX Ambassador Program close 4 April! Don't miss the opportunity to represent the NASA SciX user community and engage with researchers across NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. Learn more and submit your application at
The Africa Millimetre Telescope (AMT) team, acting as #IAUGA2024 Ambassadors, has brought a mobile planetarium to Namibia, igniting inspiration for future scientists and engineers. Witness the magic by watching the video! 🌌🔭
Africa Millimetre Telescope mobile planetarium - IAU general Assembly The Africa Millimetre Telescope (AMT) team, acting as #IAUGA2024 Ambassadors, has brought a mobile planetarium to Namibia, igniting inspiration for future sc...
Thank you, Aura Satz, for sharing your #inspiration for "Her Luminous Distance" & other works with IGPG. #Deaf #astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt and archival astronomical #photographicplates have much to reveal about perceiving the world differently. #histsci #art I
Reflecting on Nelson Mandela's legacy, we draw inspiration for #IAUGA2024. Join us in Cape Town to explore the cosmos and celebrate Mandela's vision for a brighter and more united future. 🌌✨ #Astronomy #SouthAfrica
Avatar and I are looking forward to talking about #NASA ##openscience and how #scientists can get involved with to advance 21st century multidisciplinary #science
It's not too late to take part in the @OSFramework virtual Year of #OpenScience conference! Join today at 4pm ET for @aaccomazzi's lightning talk and again tomorrow at 9am ET for a joint presentation with @BartlettAstro & @sgjarmak! Register for free:
For those who celebrate, may you find your #balance in #nature 's balance. Happy #VernalEquinox! March 20, 2024 03:06 UTC March 19, 2024 11:06 PM US EDT The #Sun crosses the #celestialequator heading north, marking the beginning of northern Spring. #astrophysics #calendar #equinox #timekeeping🍎
Happy birthday to Carolyn Herschel (1750 – 1848) a trail blazing woman in #astronomy. 🐡🧪👩‍🔬🔭#histsci Hers was a real life Cinderella story, where rather than marrying a prince, she made a life and career for herself. Marriage her expected role but she was deemed unmarriageable, since a childhood 🧵1/n