
While Communists must resolutely support the Palestinian struggle and ally with Hamas, Communists must understand there is a difference between that and being "pro-Hamas" we must understand the job of Communists is to gain hegemony over the national liberation movement away from the vacillating 1/2
reactionary National Bourgeoisie and keep Communist independence while maintaining an alliance. Anything other than this can only result in an Ultra "Left" deviation or Rightist deviation that liquidates Communist independence, both of which give full hegemony over to the National Bourgeoisie.
If the message you got from my post where I openly stated Hamas is a vacillating force was that we unquestionably support them you are being dishonest. The point I made was Communists need to gain hegemony over the liberation movement because the Communists genuinely want it and can bring it further
I've already said they were bad. "Lots of big words" is just you coping with the fact actions of Communists are more complicated than that.
No need for hostilities. I think we agree. I'm just adding the additional context of who created the conflict.
It's annoying considering my initial post already called them reactionary national Bourgeoisie and they will vacillate in the liberation struggle and Communists should do what they can to gain hegemony over the movement. You dumbed it down by saying I was just saying "lots of big words"