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Hoxhaist | Anti-Revisionist | Purify Marxism-Leninism of MZT Revisionism
On April 11, 1985 Comrade Enver Hoxha passed away. His death was announced on Radio Tirana. His great contributions to Marxism-Leninism will forever be remembered in the fight against modern revisionism. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVEP...
Some Marxists view 2 stage theory the way Mensheviks did, viewing the democratic and socialist revolutions as two completely separate revolutions with no ties at all. In reality they are two parts of one whole and we can't place a wall between them. Only Socialism can bring total national liberation
You cannot claim to oppose post-Stalin Soviet revisionism while continuing to uphold Soviet social-imperialism in the Brezhnev era and beyond. Only by a consistent criticism of Soviet social-imperialism can Marxist-Leninists uphold a truly anti-revisionist and revolutionary Marxism-Leninism
Enver Hoxha wishing Greek minority women a Happy New Year and a promising future in the struggle against old patriarchal norms.
If the Soviet Union were still around and continued to open markets the Brezhnevites would still be supporting it no different than the Dengists supporting China. Once you drop the principled struggle against social-imperialism there is no limit how low you are willing to go and what hill you die on
Some are confused about the recent talk of Venezuela and Guyana not understanding why a revisionist country like Venezuela would talk of invasion, some even supporting it. The incitement of local wars has long been a strategy of imperialism, don't fall for them. Oppose capitalist hegemonic wars!
I recently saw an supposed Hoxhaist defending Ceausescu. No genuine Hoxhaist should be defending a reactionary fascist such as Ceausescu who was a tool of imperialism and supported Israel. Hoxha wrote of this revisionist in Reflections on the Middle East as well as Reflections on China.
It's funny but also sad that a lot of US "Marxists" aren't talking about the fact that Xi & Biden r making an imperialist alliance in the Khrushchev revision of peaceful coexistence sense. This is similar to US-Soviet attempts in the past to divide the world. From Hoxha's Imperialism & Revolution.
Reposted byAvatar Flashy
We must also keep a keen eye on Chinese social-imperialism trying to mediate peace and call for a two state solution. Imperialist peace was regularly analyzed by Lenin in his time and Hoxha continued this analysis with Palestine and Soviet social-imperialism. www.marxists.org/reference/ar...
While Communists must resolutely support the Palestinian struggle and ally with Hamas, Communists must understand there is a difference between that and being "pro-Hamas" we must understand the job of Communists is to gain hegemony over the national liberation movement away from the vacillating 1/2
Pay very close attention to how many "Leftists" are reacting to the most recent upsurge in Palestine. The amount of Zionist propaganda people are gobbling up is sickening. Many "anti-imperialists" are being exposed for the empty words they spew ignoring the long history of occupation.
Communists must vehemently oppose these racist actions of the Biden administration. The Fourth Congress of the Comintern was explicit in its opposition to all restrictive immigration laws. If you fall for petty bourgeois populist anti-immigrant propaganda you are not a Communist.
President Biden campaigned against building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. But his administration filed notice on Thursday that it was waiving more than 20 federal laws and regulations, including environmental ones, to build additional barriers along the Southern border. nyti.ms/3titIaN
There is a trend of Brezhnevites pretending to be anti-revisionist and even give fake opposition to Three Worlds Theory not because it is a pro imperialist theory period but because it doesn't side with their preferred imperialist power, that being Soviet social-imperialism. Hoxha said it best.
Enver Hoxha's speech to Shirley Graham Du Bois in 1964. I encourage you to read the full speech it is amazing. www.marxists.org/reference/ar...
The Popular Front is a tactic that is only as useful as Communists are able to tie it to further the revolutionary consciousness of the masses. Tactics are flexible but must be oriented towards the strategic goal, Socialist revolution. Enver Hoxha criticized the French CP for failing to do this.
There is always value in reading and rereading Lenin. One of the best ways to get back to revolutionary politics and away from reformism is to study Lenin hard. So much of his analysis is still fully applicable today. This is how Enver Hoxha stayed on the revolutionary path his whole life.
I wish Dengists would stop pretending to be Marxist-Leninists and just come out with the fact they are Kautskyists who believe in Ultra Imperialism and reject inter imperialist contradictions and Lenin's theory of Imperialism in general. The rotten Three Worlds Theory has similar implications.
Dengists when you criticize China: "Communism is the real movement that abolishes the present state things!" Me: "So when will China abolish the present state of things?" Dengists: *Blocks me*
Malcolm X in his speech "The Ballot or the Bullet" on patriotism.
Capitalism interferes with our own relationships with our families. The rise in people feeling isolated is due to Capitalism. "The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation." Marx & Engels, The Communist Manifesto
Patriarchy & Capitalism are closely bound up in our marriages and how we treat our children. The mindset we have inherited from generations of society based on private property can only be overcome with the abolition of private property, the creation of Socialist society. Hoxha expands here
Reposted byAvatar Flashy
NEW: Every time Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, or Elon Musk take a trip on their private jet, you’re subsidizing it. Private jets make up one in six flights. But they contribute just 2% of the taxes to fund airports—while we pay 70%. It’s time to end that billionaire tax break.
You're Paying for Kim Kardashian's Private Jet Travel. Here's How.www.youtube.com Every time Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, or Elon Musk take a trip on their private jet, you’re subsidizing it. Private jets make up one in six flights. But t...
Communists today have failed to lead the masses by connecting the link between ongoing progressive movements to the general class struggle. Marx knew this as far back as 1843 in his letter to Arnold Ruge. Socialism will complete the democratic tasks the bourgeoisie have refused to complete.
"whether in modern times or the contemporary bourgeois so called refined civilization; women have been and are the most downtrodden, exploited and spurned human beings in all respects. Laws, customs, religion and the masculine sex have kept them oppressed, have kept them underfoot." - Enver Hoxha
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