
It's funny but also sad that a lot of US "Marxists" aren't talking about the fact that Xi & Biden r making an imperialist alliance in the Khrushchev revision of peaceful coexistence sense. This is similar to US-Soviet attempts in the past to divide the world. From Hoxha's Imperialism & Revolution.
Is that what you think Xi is doing? Divvying up the world with Biden? I'm not so sure.
And what do you think he's doing bud? Remember that peace deal Dengists were happy about that China brokered between Saudi Arabia and Yemen? Now that deal is being used as blackmail against the Houthis fighting Israel. Yes Xi and Biden are mirroring Khrushchev and Carter. Wake up.
Kruschev and Carter? I think you must mean Brezhnev of course. But your mistake gives me pause about the reliability of your opinion as relates to fact. Quite frankly, bud.
They were all involved with both Kennedy and Carter. If you support Soviet social imperialism just say so bud. You are a revisionist.
Maybe take down your hostility a couple of pegs and I will, bud. I don’t know what they’re doing any better than you do, but I don’t see China building a wall of satellite states. Do you?
All the countries under the BRI and associated with the inter imperialist grouping of BRICS are part of the Chinese led imperialist bloc.
Kruschev was involved with Carter. Ok. Interesting non-revisionism there.
He had similar meetings with Kennedy on dividing the world. You never answered what you think Xi and Biden are doing btw.