
"You people are being indoctrinated by professors to believe this stuff, and they have no idea that they’re going to be cursed by God, the God of the bible," said a congressman at the Columbia hearing. No one from Columbia pushes back. This is such a travesty.
What university did the congressman attend?
Right? These chuds will scream about "liberal indoctrination" while at the same time show off their 4 year from Liberty U or George Mason.
Liberty U and George Mason are not in the same category of nonsense indoctrination. Perhaps you are mistaking George Mason for someplace else? (and yes, I know their law school is named for Scalia, but still…)
It's kinda funny that an acronym for the Antonin Scalia School of Law is pretty much "Asshole" lol
George Mason grad here! Mason experiences this problem only in its economics department and schools of business, law, and public policy as well as the Mercatus Center. Everything else is legit.