Michelle Goldberg

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Michelle Goldberg


New York Times opinion columnist; MSNBC contributor; author.
"We live in hell." Factcheck: true
I hope no one forgets that Trump did, in fact, try to prosecute Hillary Clinton www.nytimes.com/2024/06/03/o...
This is who Republicans just endorsed for Senate in Minnesota
This discussion has been playing out quietly in progressive circles — where people are wondering why the "Let Trump Declare the Sierra Club and Planned Parenthood Terrorist Groups Act" troubles congressional Dems so little. My hat's off to @michellegoldberg.bsky.social for writing about it.
“The House recently passed, 382-11, a bill that would allow the Treasury secretary to revoke the tax-exempt status of ‘terrorist-supporting organizations.’” It would be nice of Dems to make a habit of thinking just _one_ step ahead, when making laws, to wonder how the worst Republican might use it.
Authoritarian regimes seek to delegitmate and control aspects of society that are not some measure of independence: That includes universities, the government bureaucracy, a free press, and, civil society. Here Goldberg talks about the growing attack on nonprofits and philanthropic organizations.
As any historian can tell you, the lasting lesson of McCarthyism was that when bad faith partisans haul you before Congress with demands for punishment of wrongthink, if you just give in to them completely well, that’ll be the end of it.
"It’s hard to think of a time since the anti-Communist House Un-American Activities Committee when Congress has made such an effort to investigate disfavored ideologies in academe." Republicans Wanted a Crackdown on Israel’s Critics. Columbia Obliged. www.nytimes.com/2024/04/18/o...
Opinion | Republicans Wanted a Crackdown on Israel’s Critics. Columbia Obliged.www.nytimes.com The latest campus antisemitism hearing was a travesty.
"You people are being indoctrinated by professors to believe this stuff, and they have no idea that they’re going to be cursed by God, the God of the bible," said a congressman at the Columbia hearing. No one from Columbia pushes back. This is such a travesty.
On the RFK movement's MAGA vibes
Good piece by @michellegoldberg.bsky.social. Points out is that the right-wing gets more of a pass on anti-semitism as long as they indicate support for Israel. For example, Robinson declared an "Israel solidarity week" when his anti-semitic comments were aired. www.nytimes.com/2024/03/07/o...
Opinion | We Need to Talk About This Republican Candidate’s Antisemitismwww.nytimes.com Mark Robinson has a history of anti-Jewish conspiracy theories. His party doesn’t care.
When I saw this story I thought it was old because I remember another Republican saying the exact same thing a few years ago. Anyone know who that was? azmirror.com/2024/03/07/h...
The Atlantic should correct this. Ed Wong is a sober, fair minded journalist who has done excellent work on many difficult assignments (including Beijing bureau chief!) over many years, unlike the writer of that piece, who subjected Ed to an appalling smear.
It's so weird for a conservative to complain that rich liberals aren't hectoring and sanctimonious enough about why other people should live as they do! It's not like it works with organic food or not voting Republican.
The weirdest part is this: the “inverted hypocrites.” He concedes that some Republicans “behave badly when it comes to marriage.” But then he goes on longer about the “elites” who actually have wonderful, stable model marriages but put forward a “anti-nuptial message” to the public.
My dispatch from Poland, a rare bright spot for liberal democracy
Has anyone done a deep dive on right-wing Taylor Swift conspiracy theories?