
I will not be silent about speech codes telling me I can't talk about white genociders who tried to block our daughters from speaking at the local school board. These same horrible arguments were made for years. If we had caved, NO kids who weren't white would be able to speak in our school district
Assuming two parents, if white kids can have two parents speak for them and Black kids the same, then biracial kids should be able to have two parents speak for them. We don't accept that it MUST be the Black parent to confront racists and advocate for our daughters' rights.
If you don't have a family like ours or haven't had to confront anti-race-mixing racism from extremists who say your kids are proof of white genocide, think it through before speaking. Our kids get equal rights with all other kids. We put our lives on the line to vindicate the rights of all kids.
A lot of y'all have no direct experience of these issues. We had people shouting us down the same way, insisting my WIFE be the one risking all to confront racists. Why does the Black parent have to do that? I'm supposed to listen to people telling me I can't defend their rights? Please.
Our daughters get the same rights as every other kid. Because we defied these same horrible arguments in recent years, now kids of every race and background can come speak. This is not whole-bloods versus half-bloods.
Who is attacking your kids right now
You shifted ground from speech, codes to “attacking your kids.” Attacks on our kids and other kids still come up whenever sizable numbers of kids who aren’t white speak in local meetings. Happened with recent murders here and it will happen again during Black History Month.
I must be confused (that’s not usual) - i got the impression that you are being really insistent because you feel like *your* kids are under attack I’m not arguing with you. I’m trying to figure out exactly what point it is that you need people to hear.
I gave an example of why our family feels Biden’s argument that saving democracy from fascism is above politics, is persuasive, based on our family’s experience of being targeted by the Klan and its position against race mixing. That doesn’t negate anyone else’s experience.
I didn’t read every post so i might be asking questions you answered already. I’m genuinely just trying to understand. Call it the autism. Do i understand correctly that you’re white, your spouse isn’t, and you share children? And so you want to be a voice for your kids and wife? Or am i mistaken?
If someone says, shut up, your weight, that’s an intra-communal Black people problem, by definition, that’s not the case. Race mixing involves interracial, relationships and biracial kids the clan targets, biracial kids whose parents are white and Black. They threaten all of us.
I’m targeted as a race trader and I have regularly received the message that race traders are the first people to shoot. That would be bad for my wife and kids, but we all got threatened. Saying I can’t speak in defense of my kids or my wife is and example of the speech codes I’m talking about.
Locally, progressives argued that I couldn’t go to city Council or the school board to insist that protection be given to black and biracial kids, who wanted to speak, but had reasonable fears of these outwardly racist people.
When we moved here, Leander was a near sundown town. Now it’s quite diverse. There was this politeness convention as exists in places like that, that racism can’t be mentioned. Centris and progressives participated in enforcing that.
So we went about systematically destroying that taboo by speaking out about it. We got threats from clan types, and it from progressives. We had council members who took thousands of dollars in donations from wealthy white genocide theorists. The whole environment was racist as could be.
But the town still diversified. Kids wanted to speak at the school board, but school boards were under attack by right wing extremists, and threats were made, and clan and Nazi types got involved. Many threats were made.
So we’ve heard all of these arguments that you can’t speak about your experience as a racially, mixed family, or as a white man labeled a race traitor who’s been targeted by the Klan. the racist white wing lost it when our biracial daughters wanted to speak about non-political school policy.
So what I’m reading is that you want everyone to understand that racists will target anyone who speaks against them. Yes?
So we got a whole new round of threats against us, because the idea of well spoken racially, mixed kids is there worst nightmare. They want to preserve the color line. they think race mixing is wet genocide, so kids like ours are an existential threat.
Most Black people get this right away, but sometimes a discussion will go sideways if a black person takes offense at a white person is speaking against anti-race mixing racism. They think that’s an intra-communal problem for Black people only, or that targeting of Black people takes priority.
Obviously, the primary targets of the Klan are Black people. But they want to enforce racial separation at all costs. They think biracial kids are proof that the white race will soon disappear if they don’t do something. So racially mixed families who violate taboos can sometimes be targeted.
We were targeted. The message people say here is I can’t talk about my experiences of being labeled a race traitor or having my life threatened, nor defend my biracial kids, nor defend my wife. I’m supposed to stay silent. But that taboo means biracial kids get only one parent to defend them.
That tattoo or speech code also means that only the Black parent can speak when this happens. So, if a discussion goes sideways, other progressives pile on immediately, and forcing the speech codes. Unintentionally or not, those speech codes are racist.
still trying to understand what you mean by speech codes, or in this case tattoo….
If we had not defied those exact same speech codes in our school district, then it’s likely no black kids, no biracial kids, no kids of various non-Christian religions, no LGBTQ kids would have been able to speak to the board without fear. There is still fear, but there is also protection.
I had to spend months defying this speech code, and progressive telling me to STFU white man to get the school board and city to ensure the rules were changed to enforce a better environment, and that police were there to protect people targeted by these groups. my daughters wanted me to do this.
People who don’t understand this situation are adopting this blanket rule that white people can’t speak about anti-race mixing racism. But my family wants me too, and I will. It’s not a no wife to go face the Klan by herself with no protection.
I can understand why the message was misconstrued, but it was misconstrued. Maybe OP has an understanding or a similar experience. I have no idea. Just seen you’re in an interracial relationship without me knowing one is Black or not knowing your situation tells me nothing.
Believe it, or not, right wing Klan types and their sympathizers or apologists are often in interracial relationships, but not with Black partners. Their experience is not the same as ours. If a Black man or woman can tell me I don’t know their experience, I can honor that. Do they know mine?
The fundamental thing going on here is a couple people got offended at something I definitely did not say. How does casting this as an intra-communal issue for Black people only, when by definition is interracial, show, they have our backs? The thread shows they definitely do not.
If people understood the point, maybe they would have our backs, but there are other people here trying to enforce these speech codes that I can’t speak about this because I’m white. My daughters and my wife would be appalled if I didn’t resist.
OH okay - what you call speech codes are the same thing i call the “social contract”
No one here can defend these speech codes They are indefensible. The whole thread telling me to STFU. But where is any answer on what this means for racially mixed families and biracial kids? In our direct family experience, it means open season on racially mixed families and biracial kids.
I’m not a thread, i’m just me. And I’m listening.
If people want to help, they should consider that white supremacists oppose race mixing because they want to leave Black people with no defense. They even say race mixing is a sin, possibly even a mortal sin. This is coming to your area if it is not already there.
Oh I’m in southern Louisiana lol Nothing you’ve said yet has surprised me in the least. I’m quite familiar with the experience of being labeled both a racist, and a race traitor, for saying the same thing. Where are you, generally?
It’s like one person said to me – no one gives an eff. Exactly. People who say is an intra-communal issue likely aren’t doing anything to solve it. They have a community to defend them; we did not until we defied the speech codes. That’s the whole thing. I’ll answer every false accusation.
I didn’t say people here are attacking our kids. I said the speech codes deny our daughters rights. Nobody here can find a good argument defending those speech codes. In any context, those speech codes leave kids vulnerable to attack.
What are the speech codes are?
The code: White people in interracial relationships can’t speak about anti-race mixing racism that targets them and Black and biracial people in their families.
You see it throughout the thread. A white man said X, Y, or Z thing I didn’t say. awesome person, yelling at me to shut up. That’s the speech code. My daughters get to have two parents advocate for them. It doesn’t have to be the Black parent.