Medusa’s Wink😉

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Medusa’s Wink😉

MSW & Public Policy
They/She 🏳️‍🌈♿️
#AuDHD (awkward and too intense)

Hollywood reject, NOLA swampgoblin ⚜️

Neurospicy social worker failing daily at retirement. Specialized in creativity and treating violence. Pissed off by oppression in general
Queer ebony femme artist and SWer here. Thanks in advance and pls keep supporting BIPOC as we're getting overlooked the most. 💕💸
Post your #MA 💸💕 requests here for whatever boost i can offer, every Friday
Fund Fridays are for #MutualAid 💸 If you have a MA request, a trade to promote, or need other financial help, now’s the time and this is the place: Post here for a free boost! If you’ve decided not to donate to a political race this year, consider putting that $ to good use in your community!
Update: very insomnia Extra weird Probably hyper and crunchy at the same time Potential cringefactor: 8.5/10 (depending how hot tomorrow is)
All the best people have insomnia
The Magdeburg Unicorn will never not crack me up
That preview image doesn't do justice to the reconstruction. It's fucking terrifying.
I was 16. He was 26. I was a teen runaway in the streets and he was a protective older man who taught me how to survive. He spent time in prison for what he did after I left. Technically, it was all consensual. When I was 26, I looked at 16 year olds and wept.
I was 17. He was 31, and a soldier in the ARMY. I weighed about 100lbs then. He carried around a loaded gun. I lived clandestinely in his room on the base for months. Lights of, hungry, alone when he was on duty Technically it was all consensual. When i turned 31, i looked around at 17 year olds
I was 17. He was 31, and a soldier in the ARMY. I weighed about 100lbs then. He carried around a loaded gun. I lived clandestinely in his room on the base for months. Lights of, hungry, alone when he was on duty Technically it was all consensual. When i turned 31, i looked around at 17 year olds
The U.K. has the chance to do the pitchforkest thing right now
Truth. Disabled folx can handle our disabilities. It’s society’s treatment of us that’s tough to take.
For Disability Pride Month, one thing I'd love abled bodied people to figure out is how to speak to someone with chronic health issues without implying that if they themselves had the disabled person's health conditions, they would end it all. I promise you life goes on- even with health issues.
This frame lives rent free in the permanent part of my mind, which is particularly rare real estate
Agent K didn't have to go so hard
Good evening to all of the cishet men who are resisting moralizing about SA all over our timelines today. Much appreciated.
If i could say this it would be on my banner
SharkNado 2 is thanked in my PhD dissertation.
Write a good take. Share the good take. Use the good take as the mic drop. You've said what you've said. Plant the stake in the ground and move on. The very real purpose of these convos, to paraphrase, is to exhaust us and keep us from doing our work
A quote by Toni The function, the very serious function of racism is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your r...
A John Wick movie where he goes around assassinating people whose fireworks are upsetting the local dogs.
happy whatever fuckin day it is
It’s the middle of the night here so excuse my whine. I’m watching so many good, caring, cool people start to avoid this place because of the unchecked cruelty. Whether it’s interpersonal discourse, politics, harassment, bullying I don’t want anyone miserable cuz of SM. I don’t think most of us do
Coop is a great reminder to enjoy the simple things.
The whole movie does the premise of breaking bad better than breaking bad did in a speedrun format
Hollow Man was also the worst “I'm going to my grave haunted by the fact someone put a lot of effort into making sure Kevin Bacon's ghostly dong was flopping around realistically enough they had to censor it. Hollywood is truly where the magic of cinema comes to life. 🙃”
The only films that have ever made me more just-plain upset after spending my time watching them were "Virus" (which is just a waste) and "Hollow Man", which was so bad it put my spouse and I both into a zone where we fought about *nothing*.
“It's like if The Wizard of Oz hatef*d Shutter Island, and the baby was a misogynist Motley Crue video with a deeply pessimistic and pointless "message" that only people who actually love Women in Prison movies for all the wrongest reasons would enjoy” I’m screaming
Me: every film has at least one redeeming factor Also me: smashing follow button because NOT SUCKER PUNCH THO
Also, this is a fantastic wizard for Wizard Wednesday.
👈 the cringest
Saw a new dr on Monday. She called in scrip while i was there. It was supposed to be delivered that evening. Still nothing. “Just because we charged your credit card doesn’t mean it went through. We can look into it. AFTER THE HOLIDAY” I would vote for a potted plant if it offered us healthcare 😖
This is brilliant and I shall implement it immediately. For morale.
You need this today. For morale.
We have to boil our tap water before we use it for several days at a time, several times a year, minimally. If this is news to you, it’s time to start paying closer attention to how conservative politics are entrenched and spreading. We are not “red” - we are voter suppressed.
i'm sorry but big city residents just now learning that 911 outages are a thing when that shit has gone on for years in places like New Orleans and Jackson, Mississippi is a real kick in the teeth
I still like "as a treat" but it's nice to have options
You need this today. For morale.