Brookes Brown

Brookes Brown

Reposted by Brookes Brown
Avatar Unless you are quite literally the trade minister of a country who can succeed at this game?
OEC Trade Grid
As a mother, I think everyone should get to decide for themselves if they become a parent. So donating is a gift I gave myself today. As a person who had an abortion after a miscarriage, this one hits home.
Apparently my angst at the nature of moral agency began early
I don’t know whether to feel insulted or seen by the fact that Spotify has chosen to label the music I listen to on Tuesdays as “soul crushing pumpkin spice”
My guess is that this is the most boring secret letter ever written, but in my fantasy life the Queen would be like “it’s 2085, and I’m settling scores.” (And then it would probably just be like a long list of people she overheard making snide comments about corgis)
Reposted by Brookes Brown
You know what we really needed to start this semester off right? Double pneumonia.
Doctor “From a medical perspective you probably shouldn’t do anything but if it were me I would go to the ER” Because if you were me you would……..appreciate the aesthetic of waiting rooms? What’s the theory of my decision-making that you are working with here?
Reposted by Brookes Brown
End of feed.