
To appreciate how clueless we probably are about the effects of AI, remember that Neuromancer thought cyberspace was going to be used for darkly grand heists. It took us another 20-30 years to understand that cyberspace was transformational mostly because of cat videos and Great Dismal tweets.
When did scifi start seriously thinking about how cyberspace might become entangled with normal space? First I can remember trying to do this was Greg Bear, Slant (1997 - which is actually kinda late, there must have been earlier efforts)
John Brunner, Shockwave Rider
Ah, thanks, I think this may be the answer I was looking for!
That's the best answer; I don't know where Brunner was getting his information in 1975, but he worked hard to imagine how networked computing might affect society, and vice versa. Granddaddy is Murray Leinster's "A Logic Named Joe' (1946). Great-granddaddy: EM Forster's "The Machine Stops" (1909).
Also worthwhile: Fritz Leiber's "The Creature from Cleveland Depths" (1962). A portable electronic personal assistant is really neat, but in time people become too dependent on them. Told much too archly for my taste, but an interestingly weird future. Not strictly about cyberspace.
The Creature from Cleveland Depths, by Fritz
"The Creature from Cleveland Depths:" Their future is not the future we came to live in, but one can sympathize with them. They've tried to cope. "We lived through the Everybody-Six-Feet-Underground-by-Christmas campaign and the Robot Watchdog craze, when you got your left foot half chewed off..."
I sure hope we don't have another Hypnotized Monkey Paratrooper Scare.