Bill Higgins-- Retired Beam Jockey

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Bill Higgins-- Retired Beam Jockey

Physicist. Writer. Mono-instrumentalist.

My posts are my opinions, and I do not speak for Fermilab. Nor NASA.

Avatar: Bill Heterodyne, smiling & tipping his boater, by Phil Foglio.
Banner: Me, infinitely reflected in mirrors.
Pro tip: If you write "hone in on," your readers will recognize that you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Library funding is almost always justified through patron numbers. The more people a library serves, the more funding it gets. So even if you don't regularly use a public library, get a library card. It costs you nothing and helps everyone in your community.
today is my NINETEEN YEAR anniversary working at my local library In honor of that, I ask you to get a card to your local public library today! If you ALREADY have a card to your local public library, check out their digital resources! Their summer programs! And yeah, they have books too.
It’s July 4, and the Brits are headed to the polls. On November 5, the Americans will head to the polls. The irony should be a whole new meme era but the world is too awful.
Happy birthday to the land of Beautiful Pilgrim Feet and also A Thoroughfare For Freedom Beat (a reference to Route 66). "America! America! God mend thine every flaw Confirm thy soul in self-control Thy liberty in law!" --Katharine Lee Bates Photo:Carol M. Highsmith
This #ScienceFiction history buff just watched Season 6, Episode 6, the finale of THE EXPANSE. And found, at 26m 06s, the collection of Easter Eggs, years after everyone else did. Three groups of soldiers prepare for an assault. Here's telemetry from their suits. A lot of familiar names here.
Could... could the President QUARTER TROOPS IN MY HOUSE and be immune from consequences?
1/ Let me explain one way that today's Trump immunity decision threatens the survival of the Republic. Under today's ruling, a President would be immune for any way in which he used the military (a "core function"), even to kill American citizens in America. Theoretically, the soldiers who . . .
Would an Emoluments Clause prosecution be a more attractive prospect now than it would have been, say, yesterday?
Anyone here happen to know who Joanna Russ' literary executor is? Or better yet, is actually said executor?
TODAY is the last day to pick up the ebook omnibus of all 3 volumes of the Arabella of Mars series for just $3.99 at all ebook stores! (US only, sorry.)
Reminder for a rough day: bad news gets re-shared 100x as much as good news, creating the morale-eating doomscroll illusion in which it seems like all news is bad, while real victories don’t get reported. We need to see victories to remind us the fight is worth-it. Don’t forget to #ShareGoodNewsToo
Short thread by a historian of space exploration,, on the idea of returning samples from Mars as it’s changed over the years.
In the mid-1970s Mars mission planners assumed that a Mars Sample Return mission would return perhaps 200 grams of fines and pebbles collected within a few meters of the lander. A decade later they assumed a massive mission with a rover capable of collecting kilograms across tens of kilometers. 1/
Hi folks - I'm developing my first planetary science class this summer and looking for any examples/advice on active learning applied to planetary science topics. I've got resources for physics and geology and they're helpful, but anything more specific would be neat.
Skip re-entry phase: the first far-side lunar samples incoming
I sure hope we don't have another Hypnotized Monkey Paratrooper Scare.
Excited about the Chang'e-6 lunar probe landing in Inner Mongolia in the coming hours? 🔭🧪🛰️ 👇fab paper on what they hope to learn: age of the largest impact crater on the moon, composition of the lunar mantle (does it match Earth?), evidence of volcanic activity....🤓
Geological context of Chang’e-6 landing area and implications for sample The research on the returned samples can provide ground truth for the study of the geological evolution history of the Moon. However, previous missions all collected samples from the nearside of the M...
"Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn’t a huge hit let’s get to know each other a bit more 👀 📽️"
Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn’t a huge hit let’s get to know each other a bit more 👀 📽️
My goodness! FILE 770 reports that Heritage Auctions is peddling a 20-inch-long banner drawn by Frank R Paul--who was Guest of Honor--for the first World Science Fiction Convention in 1939! Bidding has just passed $3000. The B&W drawings reprise elements from past Paul covers.
Today marks the release of my space opera heist novel THE KUIPER BELT JOB audiobook! With the voices of Andrew Kishino, Jaime Lincoln Smith, Christa Lewis, Si Chen, and Sneha Mathan! Buy it here! #spaceopera #scifi #heist #audiobook
#STS #HistSTM Job Alert: Curator of the Cultural + Social History of Aviation at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Position includes research + writing, giving academic and public talks, developing exhibits, and overseeing a collection:
Museum <p>The Smithsonian Institution is the world&rsquo;s largest museum, education, and research complex, with 21 museums and the National Zoo. This position is located in National Air and Space Museum (NA...
Ha! That's a PERFECT Shmoo!
I wish I could read 19 books in quick succession. Unfortunately, I still frequently buy 19 books in quick succession.
This is great phrasing. Trump has always spewed nonsense in no passable sequence but even by those standards Trump 2024 is a tattered exoskeleton shed by Trump 2016.
I wish it was more widely discussed how diminished and confused he is. They’re trying to run a ben garrison cartoon version of him because the actual guy is just a mumbling wreck. The Republican ticket is basically the cry-laughing emoji and then whatever charmless sadist ends up taking the VP spot
At his inauguration in 2017, Donald Trump was the oldest person ever to become President: 70 years, 220 days. He was surpassed in 2021 by Joe Biden, who was 78 years, 61 days old upon becoming President. If, God forbid, Trump were to win the next election, he would be 78 years, 220 days old.
Call for posters! Space Science in Context is back in October, for all things space and society, free & online. The theme is Justice in Action. More info & submit here:
HT Scott Lowther for a remarkable set of films from ~1959, a time of wild ideas. The US Navy used an F4D jet fighter to launch a 5(!)-stage rocket intended to put a tiny payload into orbit: #NOTSNIK. More: satellite-killer derivatives 26:19 a soft-lander experiment 30:05 a nutation damper 37:38
China Lake, Around the World with No Moving Parts, NOTSNIK, CALEB, HiHoe, SIP, SLV . . Pictures of Us - Episode 7
Consider following this guy, or rather, these two alter egos.
The reprobate historian of science, The Renaissance Mathematicus and his alter-ego the HISTSCI_HULK turn 15 today #histsci