
In the past 40+ years, Americans have voted and voted and voted, and gotten nothing for it. Voting in the US has NOT solved homelessness, the addiction crisis, horrible labour conditions, cutthroat capitalism, healthcare, or improved the state of education, infrastructure, or eradicated poverty.
Despite all the voting that has been done, the rich have gotten extremely richer, corporations have enjoyed countless tax breaks, (child) poverty has gone up, there is an urgent climate and housing crisis, US politicians have grown more corrupt and richer from stock trading, corporate donors, etc.
We're currently witnessing the US and other western countries, unapologetically back a white settler colonial ethno state committing genocide and ethnic cleansing. And as people stand up against the genocide, they're brutalised, bullied, and locked up by those in power, using riot police.
So tell me, what democracy is there to save? Is it the democracy that facilitates child poverty, horrible healthcare, education, infrastructure, and lobbies and donor politics? Is it the same democracy that caters to the rich and cutthroat capitalists?
Is it the democracy that is complicit in Israel's genocide, occupation of Palestine, and the ethnic cleansing of its people? Is it the democracy that continues to kill and oppress BIPOC in the US, queer folks, and trample upon the rights of women? Which democracy are they asking y'all to save?
Cos when I look at the US, I see no democracy ... I see a malignant oligarchy. I see politicians sitting in congress, not for everyday people, but for their own selfish goals, the interest of donors, and warmongering. Which democracy are they asking y'all to save? Seriously!!