shaka πŸ¦πŸ‘‘

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shaka πŸ¦πŸ‘‘

writer, poet and renegade wordsmith ✍🏾 β€’ son of thoth and yemoja β€’ hoarder of plants, books, and vinyl records β€’ my loyalty isn't blind β€’ vocal anarcho-progressive and socialist activist ✊🏾πŸ”₯πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

decolonise your mind, body and soul.
Maybe the reason why the Tories lost the election is cos they killed a lot of their traditional voters during the pandemic and lockdown. I'm pretty sure that's also played a part, next to how they ended up ruining the country.
Financial Times: "Top Democratic donors have made Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom their preferred candidates to replace Joe Biden in the White House race against Donald Trump, said several people familiar with the matter."
Same way I block republicans, is exactly how I block democrats. Fucking genocidal maniacs. And that also includes all of their voters.
Pretty good example of how "wedge issues" pioneered by American Far Right politicians and happily adopted by the American political system are absolutely fucking bonkers.
Was talking about covid with some colleagues during lunch and a very funny moment happened. New American colleague: I wear a mask, so you probably know what that means. Me: no, I don't. What does it mean? Her: it means I am a progressive democrat. Back in the US, I voted for the democratic party.
Let me just say this to y'all so-called "progressive" white people on here. Especially the Americans: Just because you're vaccinated, wear a mask or talk a lot about masking, have "pro Palestine", "pro Black", "pro queer", or whatever on your social media bio (s) doesn't mean shit.
Was talking about covid with some colleagues during lunch and a very funny moment happened. New American colleague: I wear a mask, so you probably know what that means. Me: no, I don't. What does it mean? Her: it means I am a progressive democrat. Back in the US, I voted for the democratic party.
White people make everything about race. And my issue with Caitlin Clark is she KNOWS she’s being weaponised as a symbol for white supremacy. SHE KNOWS. At any time, she could forcefully reject this, and distance herself from all of it, but she CHOOSES not to do that. Her silence is complicity!
Nothing weirds me out more than visiting friends in the US, and someone invites a cutthroat capitalist Cuban-American who has a passionate hatred for Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, and sees the Cuban Revolution as a "destruction" of his country, and the reason why his family had to flee the country.
Folks, it's happening! Finally picked a date and time for my next poetry and spoken word night in Amsterdam. I've been looking to organise a Pro Palestine poetry event on the 24th of July.
Cuba, they could never make me hate you. I love you so much. You will be free. Palestine will be free. Africa will be free. I love you, Cuba! πŸ‡¨πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έβ™₯️
Maybe, the reason why so many people are indifferent to, or actively participate in the suffering of others, is because capitalism forces us to spend so much of our lives viewing people as customers, competitors, or the labour force. We hardly see one another as human beings anymore, and that's sad.
β€œYou vote once in four years and that’s your political responsibility? That’s the height of bourgeois propaganda, making the people politically irresponsible. Thinking their responsibility is limited to a one day vote. Politics is every day.” β€” Kwame Ture.
Today, my neighbour told me his favourite breakfast is brioche with beer. And to be very honest, I don't know how to feel about that.
Cowboy George and Boy George, lol.
Yesterday, we were talking about who might replace Biden, and Kamala Harris came up, and the new neighbour referred to her as a "leftist", and someone immediately asked him where he's from, and dude said he's American, and everyone else just kinda shook their heads. No one was really surprised.
Capitalism is a fucking racist system, and was invented, by white people, to steal resources from nonwhite people (and lands), and genocide, ethnically cleanse, and oppress BIPOC. No one can ever convince me otherwise. The decolonisation of indigenous lands can only start by abolishing capitalism.
America's biggest problem is brainwashing and propaganda. All my uncles and aunts who grew up in the 80s, often talk about how everything taught in schools and shared in the mainstream media was that communists are the bad guys. That communism and socialism are devilish, and bla bla bla.
In the past 40+ years, Americans have voted and voted and voted, and gotten nothing for it. Voting in the US has NOT solved homelessness, the addiction crisis, horrible labour conditions, cutthroat capitalism, healthcare, or improved the state of education, infrastructure, or eradicated poverty.
I don't even know why anyone would want to save the current version of American democracy. It looks like a malignant oligarchy.
It's super weird that every four years, Americans have to "save" democracy. Why can't democracy save them for once?
I'm voting Green for the first time in a General Election! 🌻🌻
"History shows that when faced with fascists on the one hand and socialists on the other, the property-owning comfortable middle classes will invariably side with fascism." β€” Tom London.
It's super weird that every four years, Americans have to "save" democracy. Why can't democracy save them for once?
"Ohhh you dissent? Should we tell everyone? Should we throw a party? Should we invite the granddaughters of the witches they couldn’t burn?" β€” Samuel Catlin
The path to fascism is paved with centrist politicians attacking progressives and the left, while playing respectability politics with rightwing and conservative types.
I love watching the A-Team, bruh! Amazing show. Apart from the fact that I love how they fearlessly dish out justice to bullies and crooks, I mostly enjoy the fact that America used to have a really beautiful "jeans" culture. In some of the episodes, you notice how (mostly country) folks wear jeans.
Some people (myself included) draw the line at genocide - they won't vote for any party that endorses it. Others don't.
"The american people will decide," and bla bla bla. Uhm, sir the republican party hasn't won the popular vote in 20 years. You keep asking people to vote, but what exactly is the plan? Americans have been voting since the end of WWII, and nothing has changed. Voting hasn't bettered their lives.
"'Why do people get mad at the Democrats when Republicans do evil things?' because they explicitly brand themselves as the good guys and the only bulwark against the bad guys, so when the bad guys dunk on them and all they do is cry impotently it's demoralising."
Nobody makes marriage more weird and undesirable like married people.
If homophobia wasn't such a big problem in the Black community, I feel like Black men would've already taken over the world of gymnastics. πŸ˜” I don't care much for the Olympics, but I'd have loved to see my people, especially black men, dominating gymnastics. We are actually built for it.