
America's biggest problem is brainwashing and propaganda. All my uncles and aunts who grew up in the 80s, often talk about how everything taught in schools and shared in the mainstream media was that communists are the bad guys. That communism and socialism are devilish, and bla bla bla.
The US spent half a century in a cold war with those communists that were a so-called "threat" to their every day "quality" of life. This rhetoric is so ingrained in the American discourse that so many Americans think that the only way to save the working class is a free market.
They think that the only way to solve healthcare is a free market, the only way to get ahead in life is a free market. It has gotten so bad that the poorest in the US see taxes on the wealthy as a bad thing because: "One day, we will be wealthy too, if we just believe enough in the American dream."
With the genocide in Palestine happening, something is starting to shift. Young Americans are starting to question things. The great experiment is starting to unravel, but 70+ years of cutthroat capitalist rhetoric, brainwashing, and propaganda will take a lot longer to unravel.
Idk if you've ever seen the film 'Clue' but one of the victims of blackmail is being blackmailed bc (and I quote) 'she had friends who were...socialists' *cue gasps of horror from other characters* It seems like this was quite a normal way to think
No, I haven't seen it. But it sure sounds like the America we all know. Where they demonise socialists and communists, and celebrate fascists and genocidal maniacs. I can totally imagine it.
We really are some of the most propagandised people on the planet