
There's this idea that American democratic voters and biden supporters have, that what's happening in Palestine won't find its way home to them. Well, I've got news for y'all. If they (democrats and republicans) are comfortable killing Palestinians, then they'll be very comfortable killing y'all.
The tactics of genocide and colonisation are inevitably turned inwards toward the colonisers' own people. They call it the "Palestinian laboratory" for a reason. All the weapons, espionage, and policing tactics they use there will eventually be used on y'all as well.
People love to act shocked at the violence meted out on anti genocide student protesters, as if American cops aren't learning those tactics from the IOF. The rules of violence they have set for others, is exactly the same rules of violence they will use at home when the time comes.
And if you wanna see those rules of violence in action, watch how the police quell demonstrations when Black folks protest police murders. So I honestly don't know what kinda genocidal democracy Joe Biden will be "protecting" for y'all.