
94% of people being happier after transitioning is all the more remarkable when you consider *how transphobic* society is. like, the benefit of living as your gender outweighs a whole bunch of other bad stuff. Trans people have six times the unemployment rate of cis people!
Let's compare this to say, the divorce rate. If we need to stop trans care for the 6% that are unhappy, we should make marriage illegal because ~50% of those people end up dissatisfied with marriage.
Oh, but it’s DIVORCE they want to make illegal.
Who said anything stopping trans care? This discussion is about the accuracy of touted satisfaction numbers. Is everyone in these discussions so impassioned they can’t reason?
I have MAGA friends that are anti-trans care and I'm going to show them these results because they act like every trans person who transition immediately regrets it.
Feel free. Even poor data can be persuasive to some, although Trumpers seem pretty rigid to me.
"Trumpers seem pretty rigid to me". Yeah, same. I effectively treat 'em like they're in a cult and just keep trying to peel that onion to get them out.
I admire your persistence. Best of luck.
There were trans folks living in Nazi Germany, even when they knew it was extremely dangerous. I'm cis but that tells me that being trans is intrinsic to a person's human experience and being able to medically pursue that is critical to their well-being.
Absolutely loving people sharing stuff from the survey 💜 I’m at NCTE (soon to be Advocates for Trans Equality) and we work very very hard on this!
94% effective is better results than asprin.
And yet, conservatives use that 6% to justify transphobic policies when supportive policies would reduce that number even further.
I bet we could improve the 94% if the laws didn't require one to get your sex change op before transitioning one's gender, especially as the medical standard is one needs to have transitioned one's gender for over one year BEFORE you can get a sex change op.
I know I have always supported L G B T But I believe in allowing Karma to do what she needs to So no Drama here only Karma 👋💯👍🫵🏽👊🏻
Notice neither of those accounts has a bio Sounds like one person arguing with them self It’s an old Twitter trick Some people just love to stir the pot
Karma knows Hint I was one of the 1st Dogs of Twitter If you want to know follow me If you agree with me cool If not tell me why I change my mind when I’m wrong 👈 My accounts that aren’t locked down R on ❌ Not active also on Mastodon My accounts have real people
I still have no idea what you’re talking about, much less which accounts. Never mind. I don’t much care.
We don’t actually know how many are unhappy because detransitioners tend to drop out of sight & suicides aren’t surveyed. The doctors stop monitoring after 2yrs and don’t want anything to do with their failures, and the trans community persecutes them. Estimates are much higher, as much as 20-25%.
Oh really? I guess studies like don't exist then? or this FORTY YEAR STUDY? or the survey you're responding to, which usually asks about detransition, 2015 finding that the most common reasons were harassment?
Both old, outdated studies, one with a sample of just 97 individuals! Protocols have changed 6 or 7 times since the first. Safeguards aka “gatekeeping” were removed a decade ago, and half a generation of detransitioners have come forward since the latest, the 2015 study.
"Old outdated study" Both I linked were from 2022. Which since you mentioned the number of participants you'd have to know. You can't have long-term studies of people who started transition last Tuesday. That's not how it works. And both put the lie to "doctors aren't interested after two years"
The second study reviewed data from 1970 to 1990! The first is just a survey, and even that data is outdated (2013 to 2017) because the old protocols were still in use for much of it. The deluge of detransitioners since the adoption of lax new protocols suggests old estimates are too low.
Yes, multi-decade follow ups follow people from decades ago. Duh. Again, your initial point was that doctors stop having interest after two years. This is, obviously, wrong.
I need to know more about that other 6% though. It's such a small minority that should play an outsized role in the prohibition of something I think, without reasonable justification, think is wrong.
Huh. To afraid of work
The hey are victims of the problem
wait so how much of the effect is accounted for by that fact alone