Huh. If you block someone, it doesn't stop postings @'s them from showing up in your feed. Interesting slip through the block.
“He took away abortion and he wants to be a dictator” should be plastered on every surface and blaring out of every speaker.
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
Just some normal unthreatening stuff you say when you aren’t horrendously evil
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Today, the federal government put itself on the right side of history by seeking, for the 1st time, to establish the precedent that every worker in America has the right to shade, water & rest while working in temps that could kill them. -UFW President Teresa Romero
Biden to announce heat rules as climate-related deaths If finalized, they would be the first U.S. regulations to protect workers from dangerous temperatures.
I think a lot of politicians and political reporters think "low info voter" is like someone who isn't following congressional budget negotiations when actual low-info voters are like "guy who thinks the president appoints the NFL commissioner and are mad at him for suspending a player on their team"
Lawyer : Argues before SCOTUS Clarence Thomas, holding up ipad : Congrats on having the single most cursed profile picture I've seen on here yet, hah.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT My website, "The Wilhelm Scream every time the Tories lose", will be running on election night There will be one (1) scream per seat won by anyone but the Tories Set a reminder to open at 10pm on 4 July ENDS
We should make this a thing. Politicians and managers get assigned a professional buzzkill whose entire job is to sign the reality checks. Buzzkill candidates should have extensive knowledge of why we have regulations and what happened when we didn't.
You're the one who rides beside the new Emperor during a Triumph repeating stories of "I shit you not, this is how it went ALL wrong before". We're all thinking about Rome again.
Reminder that all the same people who are touting AI as an inevitable future today were touting Metaverse as the inevitable future just 3 years ago
a friend of mine who works at the Apple store says sales of the much-touted Vision Pro have ground to a halt and that there have been a lot of returns. Steve Jobs would have never green-lit this product
Huh. Bluesky can replicate Reddit's Deleted Post spam. a whole chain of [removed], funny in a "this was not a post of honor, no highly esteemed thought was here" sort of way
Pretty terrified but also: lol, lmao
If your anti-bigotry bill has bipartisan support, and one half of those supporters are self-proclaimed, full-throated, unashamed white supremacists, maybe you should ask yourself if your bill is actually anti-bigotry.
The UK's Cass report is basically this Except taken seriously to deny medical care
Would you like to own a vehicle designed by Porshe with 800 horsepower? Good news, you can! 0-60 might be a bit slow since it's a TANK. The US is weird.
7 years of planning went into this moment
Update to the update (watch my instagram for VIDEO) #eclipse
Checking google scholar for recent articles with the phrase "certainly, here is a":
As you may recall from the other day, it is essential to the future of the university that academics fully and unquestioningly incorporate LLMs into their teaching and research practice
Place I'm on hold with has hold music has the lines "Sitting here in this waiting room" and "waiting for this conference call" *bwee* flag on the call, excessively meta.
What, and I say this with love, the fuck?
Who’s ready to ride the Super Maricoeratops?!
One of the coolest things about social media is how wide it makes our transactive memory networks. (And part of why we're all finding the recent enshittification of Google so awful is for most of us, Google was a critical member of our transactive memory network.)
""'P.C.' students" have an "overwhelming urge to be kind to each other." It doesn't mean they always get it right, but the driving force is to pay attention to vulnerabilities and then do no harm. If this is the scourge of political correctness on campus, sign me up."
so much of the pronoun bullshit is just people being angry at being asked to treat others with a basic level of respect you don't have to understand gender dysphoria or being nonbinary or neopronouns to just... respect people's wishes about how they want to be addressed
There was a user here a few days ago going "don't assume the school or the police are raging bigots about Nex, give them the benefit of the doubt." Lost their @. I do have to wonder what they think now.
I see the New York Times is really working to find the right amount of "Biden Sucks; Vote Trump" to work into this particular headline
Just added a small stack of kobold vinyl stickers to the site 🥺 curse those mean adventurers.
My poor notification tab has completely died. (on desktop at least)
The only people allowed to say "avoid it like the plague" are people who still wear masks. The rest of you have to choose a new phrase.
Poe: this bird is amazing! Dickens: oh that's not all Dickens: i also trained her to attack hans christian andersen on sight
Steam found probably the game I'm least interested to recommend to me. "House Flipper Simulator 2" uuuurg.
Weird bug: Deleted posts show up in search results.