
SOAPBOX TIME I hate how many times I read things like "nobody cares about the world" and "humanity is the virus" and "our species is too inept/evil/selfish to survive" online. I almost never see anyone talking about the many, many people who are doing incredibly hard, complex, good work
Human meat CPUs focus and latch on to negative circumstances as our heritage in our hunter/gatherer days. "I'll remember this bad thing next time so it won't kill me." It doesn't matter if it's real or not.
This is also true. We dislike losing more than we like winning, so the less rational parts of our brains will emphasize threats and threat avoidance more than opportunities.
and this illustrates why center-right parties tend to do better in the main along with their structural advantages due to capitalism and other exploitative systems, and why center-left parties mainly win on *defending* wins they've made and not advocating for new ones.