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Left Below


Youtube essayist and occasional convention panelist.
Prominent Democrats have reported to me off the record that the Biden-Harris campaign is consulting with Billywitchdoctor.com to revive their dead campaign
billywitchdoctor.combillywitchdoctor.com Chicken
Shadow the Hedgehog in the post-pandemic world. "I am the Ultimate Lab Leak."
I live for this mix of pity and scorn Brandt shows in this scene.
Reverse Roko's Basilisk: The killer omni-puter comes into being, creates time travel and destroys its creators in the past for doing such a terrible thing.
Cowgirl Peach in: Mulholland Drive
Entertainment Tonight: "Miz Rowling, what were you thoughts on working with Warner Bros Discovery on this new faithful retelling of your beloved children's story?" JKR: "Penises in the changing room! Penises in the loo!"
youtu.be/a2joASc7gQA - new Youtube mini-essay by me, regarding American Fiction and where visibility a la DEI actually helps.
Every year the Gaylord Hotel in National Harbor Maryland hosts two events back to back, Katsucon and CPAC. One is an event where deluded manchildren cosplay as heroes and worship fictional characters. The other, is Katsucon.
In lieu of going to Reddit, I'll ask an "Am I the Asshole" question here - water main to our apartment building burst, management works on repairing the main but does jack shit to help residents in the nearly 24-hours in between, gets huffy when we get mad, "what do you expect us to do?"
It never rains but it pours and that washes away our soil and then we had to send Grampa Tim to the glue factory.
John Lennon's Happy Xmas begins with an accusation: "So this is Christmas, and what have you done?" Well, what was it?
Anyone taking Strattera for ADHD get the side effect of your anxiety spiking like days after starting? And if so, did the anxiety effect ever go away? The last two weeks have felt like forever and it's rough knowing I've got potentially four more to go.
As a thorough atheist, I can spot a problem in the decline of religion - it took away a place where people sought spiritual relief and now you see people trying to transpose that into other spaces, which is why you get people being like "but voting Dem is a *stain on my conscience*".
Watching Voyager while writing - I remember some of the infamous episodes but not "the first intelligent life on earth were dinosaurs who fled after the Cretaceous Extinction".
On the Lewiston tragedy: 1) Guns like this should be a lot harder to get regardless of your mental state 2) Why was he released from the mental hospital 3) Red flag laws may have helped but may not due to how poorly-viewed they are by gun enthusiasts.
youtu.be/3UWxumyznzA - my latest Youtube video essay, talking about that *other* Mark Fisher book and using it to dissect HP Lovecraft's and (some of) Stephen King's stuff.
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The occupation is an intolerable crime, and resistance to it is a fundamental right, and murdering civilians is wrong, and collective punishment of an entrapped population is immoral. We live in a world of ands, not ors.
On Feinstein discourse: the age-ist line is "well you shouldn't be working if you're that old" and that's implied in a lot of DiFi-bashing. The fair line is that when you are that old you should recognize that your health can turn quickly and have an exit plan in place.
Ironic that The Flash, a movie about universes colliding and collapsing, was the catalyst for the final collapse of its own cinematic universe. Now only Blue Beetle and Aquaman remain as shards, floating through space time before oblivion rolls over them.
Have a love-hate relationship with Splatoon but the best thing is coming into the plaza and finding a new meme. Who is John? Who knows!
A discussion of whether government can own copyright led to me learning Woodsy Owl was real - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodsy_... and not just something South Park made up. Another notch in life where something I thought a comedy made up came from somewhere else.
I love some parts of the beach city experience but the T-shirts drive me up a wall, either braindead-hateful redneck trash or stuff that's so out-of-pocket but still aggressively offensive to like, good taste. A short thread:
youtu.be/J4V3jFLnLqg - my new video essay on Andor and what it portends for the future of Star Wars.
Ingenuous opinion columnists thought Biden should pardon Trump following Ford's example. Instead under Biden we'll close the gate that Ford let open, giving (Republican) presidents impunity from the law.
Elon Musk is a great innovator - instead of making a niche far-right social media platform from scratch he's creating one distilled from a mainstream social media platform. Normal-IQ folks just don't understand.
The viewing order is Oppenheimer, then Barbie. First is the atomic horror that we created, and then the meaningless plastic we surrounded ourselves with to distract from the nuclear swords of Damocles hovering over us. #Barbenheimer is the sum of the modern western condition.
End of feed.