Benedek Kurdi

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Benedek Kurdi

Experimental psychologist studying social learning and memory, assistant professor at University of Illinois, immigrant, 🏳️‍🌈, he/him
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We're hiring! Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Community Psychology, Department of Psychology, DePaul University, to begin in September 2025. Details and application link available at
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I wrote a review of @De_dicto's seminal book on the perception/cognition border for Mind. Tl;dr: you should read the book. But also consider reading the review. Hard to imagine I'll ever have a harder or more meaningful review to write
Eric Mandelbaum, _The Border Between Seeing and Thinking_, by Ned Block -
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Looking forward to #ICIS2024! Especially excited about presenting with and in our symposium on Drivers of Infant Attention (S.61)! Stop by Thursday at 3!
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I made a Bluesky "starter pack" for political psychology. Suggests 50 people to follow and 3 feeds
political psych starter Join the conversation
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New paper from the lab! w/ & Mina Cikara We show that merely viewing a prejudiced person’s intergroup behavior induces bias in observers—a novel learning mechanism for prejudice formation and propagation
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Advice to (junior) academics: please keep some web presence updated (website, Google Scholar, etc.). At several points throughout the year, there are opportunities to nominate you for things, and it is helpful in those nomination processes to be able to point to evidence of your awesomeness.
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(Still) looking for a full time lab manager to work on numerical development using fNIRS and ERPs.
Research Coordinator – Brain and Cognitive Development
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🚨Job Alert 🚨 and I are hiring a Research Associate to come and work with us! More details about the position are available here: This link will take you to a page that’s not on LinkedIn
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Ever felt that another person was being a robot? That you’re talking to an NPC?   Come, read a new pre-print on “The Detection of Automatic Behavior in Other People” (By me and Ilona Bass) psyarxiv:
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Some very exciting news... after many, many, winter beards, I'm overjoyed to be joining sunny @UCSDPsychology as an Asst Prof in Jan 2025! Looking to recruit folks interested in doing some fun science, while building some cool (and useful) toys! Details: I'm joining @UCSDPsychology as an Assistant Professor in Jan 2025! I'll be starting a lab group and hiring, checkout for more details.
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Our full time lab coordinator job search is newly reopened! : 1-yr joint collaborative position, basic psych science research. Child/adult cognition & development (my research group) + adult reasoning & decision making (Dr. Andrea Patalano's group). Please share!
Lab The Cognitive Development Lab and the Reasoning and Decision Making Lab at Wesleyan University (Dr. Hilary Barth and Dr. Andrea Patalano) announce a full-time joint Lab Coordinator position starting s...
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Come do a PhD with us (at the University of Melbourne) and our colleagues at KU Leuven! The projects are in psych and metascience, evaluating the quality of evidence in various areas of psychology. Please share with students who might be interested!
Fancy doing a PhD at the crossroads of memory research, clinical psychology and metascience? And travelling the globe while doing so? Come work with and me at KU Leuven and UniMelb and get a joint PhD degree! [please distribute] 1/2
Reconsolidation-based therapies: Science & fiction (joint PhD Leuven/Melbourne) Do a PhD in Leuven and Melbourne on a topic at the intersection of the science of memory, clinical psychology and meta-science
In this new preprint with Keitaro Okura,, and Melissa Ferguson, we find robust evidence for pervasive anti-foreigner biases in the United States, especially at an implicit (automatic) level:
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A few years ago, Makaela Nartker began a hugely ambitious project on one of the most important & best-known phenomena in psychology. 25,000 subjects later, she’s sharing her paper showing surprising sensitivity to “unseen” objects in inattentional blindness! 🧵 Preprint 👇
In a newly released preprint with Tessa Charlesworth and Patrick Mair, we are looking at long-term trajectories of explicit and implicit age, body weight, race, sexuality, and skin tone attitudes, using data from 1.4 million+ participants across 33 countries:
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Are you a pre-tenure social psychology faculty member in the greater Chicagoland area (~2 hours)? We're planning a community-building & resource-sharing meetup this summer, and we'd love to have you there! To indicate interest, email!
A few of us are organizing a meetup for early-career social psychologists from the greater Chicago area this summer. 🌆🍕🎶 If you are interested in joining the group, please send an email to Otherwise, please share widely so that those who are can see the announcement.
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A few of us are organizing a meetup for early-career social psychologists from the greater Chicago area this summer. 🌆🍕🎶 If you are interested in joining the group, please send an email to Otherwise, please share widely so that those who are can see the announcement.
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📣May issue is live! Cover: The process and mechanisms of personality change Also in this issue: 👶💭The development of human causal reasoning 💼🏠Optimizing work and off-job motivation 👁️Positive serial dependence in visual perception Read more: #psychology #psychscisky
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Big news, Y'all! I'm headed back to UNC as an associate professor in the department of psychiatry. I'll be associate director of the CHAAMP program. Even more exciting, I'm hiring research coordinators to help me get started! pls share & apply:
Soc/Clin Research This position will serve as an Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator for the Child and Adolescent Anxiety and Mood Disorders Program (CHAAMP), situated within the UNC School of Medicine's Department...
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As the 2023-24 academic job cycle winds down, I have once again (and for perhaps the last time) scraped the psych job wiki. This year 860 tenure-track jobs were posted, down slightly from last year (897), but still the second-highest number on record.
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I don’t know if people here have seen this here but there is a new #psychjob wiki #SocialPsych #Psychology #PsySciSky
Glad to have played a small role in this paper by Kirsten Morehouse on participant privacy and open science, with algorithms to quantify and mitigate risk. My totally unbiased view is that it's worth reading if you ever share data: (preprint:
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So happy to have been included in the scam! (I got the email on 5/6 though.)
At least two professorial colleagues at different universities in totally different areas of research got an identical message to this today, with only changes to name, country, and paper title. NYU is a constant, but from Gmail addresses. Who else? Anyone write back? Curious what the scam is!
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