Mikey Pasek

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Mikey Pasek


Assistant professor of social psychology at the University of Illinois Chicago. I study identity-based division and how to reduce it, with a focus on ethno-religious conflict. Cinnabon enthusiast. michaelhpasek.com
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The kid data for this project, showing that kids think curiosity about religion & science is virtuous, are out now in Child Development. Summary in thread below. Full text here: columbiasamclab.weebly.com/uploads/5/9/.... 🧪 #PsychSciSky #SocialPsyc #DevPsyc #CogPsyc @socphilpsych.bsky.social
1. New work! Not sure how to thread so summaries here: Adults think curiosity is morally good bc it signals effort: columbiasamclab.weebly.com/uploads/5/9/... Kids think curiosity is good & reward curious folks: columbiasamclab.weebly.com/uploads/5/9/... #PsychSciSky #SocialPsyc #DevPsyc #CogPsyc
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GOP is the new working class party!
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Amazing new YouGov swing state poll. Biden running 11-15 net points worse than Senate Dem in AZ MI NV PA & WI. Trump ahead in all 5; Dem handily head in all 5 Senate races.
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Reposted byAvatar Mikey Pasek
“The institutions will protect us from autocracy” is an insane take 2 weeks after SCOTUS said trump can do crimes and the same day Cannon dismissed the stolen documents case
WSJ this morning. lol at the last bit. "Leaders on both sides need to stop describing the stakes of the election in apocalyptic terms. Democracy won't end if one or the other candidate is elected. Fascism is not aborning if Mr. Trump wins, unless you have little faith in American institutions."
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The whole idea that calling someone a threat to democracy is “violent rhetoric” is so dumb. If you care about democracy, then you want political questions settled by voting, not violence. It’s right there!
Increasingly worried that the Democrats’ response to the horrific assassination attack is to normalize Trump/MAGA. Rather than orient around unity and view polarization as our enemy, I’d love to see the Dems double down on democracy as our North Star. Put the ball back in the GOPs’s court.
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“We find that Trump’s use of violent vocabulary has increased over time…He increasingly exemplifies a negative populism, concentrated on denigrating out-groups.” Cc: all the journalists credulously agreeing with Rs that the “temperature” is too hot. Call is coming from inside the house, ya rubes!
Donald Trump's words www.nber.org/papers/w3266... "Trump’s use of violent vocabulary has increased over time and now surpasses that of all other democratic politicians we studied....He increasingly exemplifies a negative populism, concentrated on denigrating out-groups."
Donald Trump's wordswww.nber.org Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, an...
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Pelosi's Twitter account put out a generous expression of sympathy for Trump this evening, and the top comments are all people mocking the attack on her husband
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amplify this not unverified reports until we know more
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Biden accidentally called Zelensky Putin. Donald Trump met with Viktor Orban to bring him a message FROM Putin. Which is worse?
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University of Michigan is hiring for an open rank faculty position in Social Psychology, all relevant content areas considered! Spread the word, and apply by September 15 at: lnkd.in/eg3WrE2H
LinkedInlnkd.in This link will take you to a page that’s not on LinkedIn
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We're hiring! Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Community Psychology, Department of Psychology, DePaul University, to begin in September 2025. Details and application link available at apply.interfolio.com/148266.
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This is how you implement an inclusive conference for an #AcademicMama - a livestream of the auditorium with an infant play area & toys in front of it. This sends such a powerful message. Great job @infantstudies.bsky.social #ICIS2024
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New study: How the relationship between education and antisemitism varies between countries journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/... Key finding: Association b/w education & stereotype endorsement varies by whether countries supported statements against Holocaust denial & antisemitism 🧵 below
Academic friends, please accept requests to review. As an early career scholar trying to publish with students to give them a shot of building their CVs, it's disheartening to have manuscripts still "awaiting reviewer selection" after 4 months!
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Reposted byAvatar Mikey Pasek
"Anything they do, I wish them luck" is the new "Stand back and stand by"
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
In. Plain. Sight.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
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I made a Bluesky "starter pack" for political psychology. Suggests 50 people to follow and 3 feeds go.bsky.app/T2Uc2Bx
political psych starter parkbsky.app Join the conversation
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And here we are … (from www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202... and bright line watch)
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Just revisited the chapter on Subverting Democracy from the book How Democracies Die. This particular passage is relevant again today.
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It’s hard to believe that we went from the oration skills of Obama to this debate.
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📢POSTDOC OPPORTUNITY📢 Come join me Gord Pennycook and @tomcostello.bsky.social as we launch a research program using dialogues with LLMs as a tool to study human psychology and decision-making! Located at MIT or Cornell, and open applicants from all kinds of intellectual backgrounds/training!
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MSU's Psych Department is hiring a TT assistant professor with expertise in intergroup relations (broadly defined) and, ideally, who uses advanced methods Feel free to reach out with an email if you have questions! careers.msu.edu/en-us/job/51...
MSU Careers Details - Assistant Professor-Tenure Systemcareers.msu.edu
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Interested in teaching people about social identity, group dynamics, intergroup conflict, & social psychology? We made a syllabus with free content: -Course schedule -Videos -Readings -Chapter summaries -Slides -Tests -Activities -Interactive class Q&A www.powerofusnewsletter.com/p/the-power-...
The POWER OF US Course: A syllabus for teaching about social identitywww.powerofusnewsletter.com Issue 123: Calling all educators: we have new free educational materials for teaching about the Power of Shared Identity