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freelance agent for BIG-DOG (dog industry)

Continuing to offer my view and opinions. Only interested in feedback from Internet Platinum tier members and above. All others DNI
"But I want to thank Kevin. He’s going to be so incredible, I know that for a fact, because I know what he did and where he came from and he’s going to be outstanding" -- Donald Trump in 2022 about the guy he's now claiming not to know
Trump Keynote Speech in Florida 4/21/22 | Donald Trump Delivers Keynote Speech in Florida 4/21/22. Read the transcript here.
Why is everyone in Baldies Gate 3 British (Autocomplete really fought me on this one so I'm letting it have its way)
One of the funniest things about watching Conan O'Brien stuff on YouTube is this small group of people who are convinced that he's a spiteful ragemonster and go around telling people that every time he fakes being angry or shocked or disgusted it's actually his true loathing coming through
His version of "Sunday Morning Coming Down" has a special place in my heart, but of the songs he wrote, the pro-hippie "What Is Truth" is my favorite. Other than the reference to the draft it's just as relevant today as it was when it was written.
without saying i walk the line, fav johnny cash song?
Johnny Cash sings "What Is Truth" From the March 18, 1970 episode of his TV show. Cash praises the kids protesting the Vietnam War (in front of a country/western audience at the Grand Ol' Opr...
From the same Guardian/Harris poll: "70% of Republicans and 39% of Democrats seem to think [Biden is] making the economy worse" "Four in 10 Republicans [said] they believe Bidenomics will have a positive lasting impact, while 81% of Democrats said the same" Either polling is fucked or brains are
God damn. When I was a teen they beat you into the punk scene by having the scariest guy there describe, at length, Steve albini's whole Deal to you
In the same vein as beloved discourse staple "the term 'bucket list' was coined for the movie of the same name" I bring you "the idiom 'X is toast' originated in Ghostbusters from a Bill Murray ad-lib"
mf giving himself gastonenteritis
I'm so glad that someone out there made this image so I can do this:
Listening to Disintegration. I can't believe Christgau gave this album a C+. What a bozo.
I think it's a cool idea not to make up lies about people, even if you don't like them
Still having trouble believing that someone walked into a bank and asked for $50k in cash and walked out with it, impeded by nothing more than a raised eyebrow and a "don't get scammed, dummy" handout. Fifty thousand US dollars money. Does she bank at the Association of Cocaine Dealers credit union?
The Sulzberger family found the antidote to the fruit of knowledge of good and evil and when you become a NYT editor you have to take it
Bluesky just logged me out while I was sitting and staring at it and thinking about posting something. Why does it log me out all the time
Avatar A coworker of mine was sharing her vacation pics; while other coworkers were saying "ooh so pretty" or "wow, jealous" one guy said "those aircraft in the background of this shot are V-22 Ospreys". So I told him about "what type aircraft" and he said it was good to be understood
Family emergency scammers are probably not actually using AI-cloned voices but it might not be the worst thing in the world for people to believe they are if it makes them more careful. As long as people don't start trying to Voight-Kampff their grandkids every time they call
I'm learning tonight that a lot of people seem to have interpreted "don't cite Wikipedia in your paper, use the cited sources" as meaning "you can freely use uncited Wikipedia material in your paper and then just copy the article's citations". Fun way of thinking!
The "Nirvana is overrated" thread has the wide variety of sizzling-hot takes that I was looking for, from "the Unplugged album is for people who don't really like Nirvana" to "Kurt couldn't sing". Great stuff
This is the core of Bennet's piece. The little people are making too much noise. They don't know their place. They're not obeying. They should be afraid and compliant, like in the good old days. (Just a "joke"! Can't you take a joke?)
James Bennet says that the NYT Opinion dept lacked women & people of color. It had 0 progressives and "only 2" conservatives. Obviously the big priority is... more conservatives! Later he's forgotten that he said they had no progressives and refers to columnists with "impeccable leftist bona fides"
When they make the new Shrek movie they should bring back "Hallelujah" for a Watchmen (movie) reference. Have it playing over a Shrek love scene. Low light, silhouettes, the occasional erotic but tasteful shot of sweaty green back or buttcheek, while Leonard serenades us
I don't really care what music podcasts use for their intros, it should just always be the same length so I can configure the app to skip it. When MBMBaM changed their intro it also got longer. This is an extremely petty gripe but everybody's gotta be petty sometimes
I would gladly do this just to prevent My Brother My Brother and Me from changing their intro music
We're big brain technologists and heterodox thinkfluencers who have brand new ideas to blow your tiny mind-brain, such as "business owners are job creators" and "welfare erodes the dignity of work"