Benjanun Sriduangkaew

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Benjanun Sriduangkaew

I write lesbian cyborgs. Upcoming: cyberpunk Hades/Persephone retelling with giant mecha
Twitter has become such a shithole that people there are now saying 'biological woman' is a perfectly fine way to refer to cis women and not TERF language at all, whereas 'TME' is a slur of course
Help replace her dead freezer! A great way to do this is to buy her books on Itch, my rec is THE BRUTE OF GREENGRAVE, a collection of inter-connected witch/doll BDSM stories full of intrigue and class commentary.
Shocking number of people who think the only moral response to trans women suffering dysphoria is 'you're sooooo valid' and treat offering resources and assistance to relieve the dysphoria as 'transmed'.
my birthday is on thursday. I thought about creating an amazon wishlist, but honestly, mostly money is tight and I could use some, so if anyone wants to gift me something for my birthday, that's probably the best present.
Pay Charlotte Séverine Böhm using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
200% funny I drive people so insane by criticizing... other cis women.
These *thuds* you hear? Yea that's me smashing my head against the wall while reading this shit Seriously, if you think the evil Trannys make you vote republican for *checks notes* criticizing your transmisogyny, then I don't even know what to tell you, seriously
transmisogyny is totally fake, guys! sometimes IM confused for a trans woman and that makes my life worse because of how people treat me until i clarify that im not actually a trans woman!
Cis women with PCOS representation 🥰
saying this to someone you think is a trans woman is a real mask-off moment and far closer to being aligned with terfs and GCs than whatever the fuck you think justifies calling a trans woman a terf
sorry, but transmisogyny is not just “get mistaken for a man” sometimes, and the fact that people “clumsily show solidarity” this way is bad actually! this type of shit isn’t cute, and it doesn’t help trans women. it sure as shit doesn’t help trans women to call us terfs
it’s funny that you’re talking about a cis lesbian who you think is a trans woman and calling her a terf. anyone who does this is a fucking joke btw
theyfab gets deeply in their feelings about cis woman's analysis of transmisogyny done by other c1s women, assumes she's trans and tries to talk down to her about no one loving her or helping with her dysphoria in the most tumblrina way possible, now claims its a "you hate waffles" situation lmfao
waiting for the panic about cis women with PCOS supposedly being rapists trying to sneak into women's spaces.
she's cis you freak lmfao, nuclear-grade cope and projection
you are just a transmisogynist
Hold up, this freak bitch thinks I'm a trans woman with 'bad dysphoria days' jealous of the PCOS girlies? lmfaoooooo dumbfuck dimwit moron
And "PCOS butch intersex AFAB enbies"? They're often very quick to weaponize their AFABness against us. Look, in the space of two posts, you managed to engage in transmisogyny ("the trannies hate me because i have a biological vagina") all while trying to prove we're in the same boat.
For us transfems, being painted as monsters is a constant concern, we don't have the escape hatch of "actually, I'm AFAB / biological female".
Hey folks, we're out of food and about £23 in the red on PayPal, so we could really do with some help please. Even just £5 is a massive help. Thank you!
Hi, I'm a disabled trans woman in the UK. I'm applying for PIP due to long COVID exacerbating existing symptoms. I'm a freelance journalist, but work has been hard to find even when I can do it. I'm asking for mutual aid to help with living expenses. Thank you. 💞💸
Pay tiny goblin shop using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Reminder you can get a free paranormal romance novella from me with a newsletter signup! 💟 bi MC 🦌 shapeshifting nonbinary demigod 🔥 lots of heat 🐺 predator/prey + hurt/comfort
My diagnosis of the cis PCOS girlies on twitter jumping in to support art of trans women who've never touched estrogen and sport full beards is, they're insecure about trans women 'out-girlying' them
On bsky I have the freedom to shit on dunmeshi as much as I want, so there at least is that.
Are straight women actually capable of higher thought or...
9S is the Marcille of NieR: Automata--competent but constantly hysterical and desperate for approval. Fortunately, as he's male this characterization is fine and not misogynistic.
This is a strange, and frankly repulsive and infantile, way to engage with art.
How mastodon moderation and defederation works:
Learning about another Black woman murdered by cops and I just continue to double down on the fact that "ACAB includes fandom cops/antis" is only a coherent statement if you think a weenie being mad over ships is the exact same as being shot by the cops you call to protect you. 🤢
ayyyyyyyy, getting closer and closer. i have like a little over a month to raise the rest of this. anything and everything helps so much 🩶🩶🩶
the Suporn Clinic has been notified that i accept the date and can make the deposit payment 🎉 full payment is due 30 days before my surgery—September 1st to be safe. thank you all for getting me this far 🙏
Help Fae get Bottom Surgery, organized by Fae Hello, my name is Fae and I’m a transfem lesbian and an indie writer raising funds for bottom sur… Fae Rynn needs your support for Help Fae get Bottom Surgery
I this is her immediate reaction to the infamous twitter TERF responsible for that “necrotic fuckhole” tweet doxxing/harassing/stalking a trans person and their partner; a trans woman who wasn’t even on twitter
Can't make this shit up
How tf did this site turn into a transmisogynistic shithole so quick