Ben Monroe

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Ben Monroe

Husband. Father. Author. Horror Fan & Writer. HWA Active Member. Probably not a zombie. He/him.
This seems like a bad idea…
So I'm watching Little Shop of Horrors with one of my kids, who just referred to Steve Martin as "the Grandmother Song Guy?" and I suddenly feel like I've succeeded as a father.
In other news, every once in a while I remember that a long time ago, the British did some safety films, which were clearly created by people who wanted to be working with George Romero:
The day job has been sucking the life out of me lately. But today at least I got to reference mythology when explaining it to some friends. So I guess I got that going for me....
Watching Hawk the Slayer. Jack Palance doesn’t just chew the scenery here, he gnaws it and sucks the marrow.
I’m about five minutes into Hawk the Slayer. I’m reminded that it’s pretty much the greatest 3-B movie of all. (“Three beers and it’s a good movie.”)
I majored in Cinema in college. So here I am trying to pick a movie to watch, and trying to decide between “Hawk the Slayer,” “the Beastmaster,” and one of the “Conan the Barbarian” movies.
Reposted byAvatar Ben Monroe
Happy No-More-Kings Day tomorrow! And remember: Patriotism is helping the country you love do less wrong. Nationalism is pretending that it's *never* wrong. 🇺🇸 "Nationalism is Patriotism for Assholes." – Jon Lovett
Today is (according to the lore) the birthday of Professor Henry Jones, Jr. (“Born” July 1, 1899.) Celebrate accordingly. Wear a hat. Punch a Nazi.
When it’s movie night, and almost the 4th of July, you gotta go with a classic…
Have today off, and nothing going on until noon… I could do something productive. Or…
If you're an RPG nerd, you'll want to check this one out. The D6 system is one of my favorite game engines, and this new consolidated and updated version of it promises to be awesome. Gallant Knight makes great games, and I'm sure this will be no exception:
Coming soon: D6 System: Second The classic West End Games ruleset returns in an updated and licensed new rulebook!
Reposted byAvatar Ben Monroe
Reposted byAvatar Ben Monroe
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: We are currently open for submissions on this international speculative fiction collection for Black women authors only. For more information, please go to: BRING THE JOY!!!
Led Weather Balloon The Police Recruits Just One or Two Seagulls Johnny Bounced Check Alice Mini Cooper
The Deacon Horton Heat Nick Cave and the Acceptable Seeds The Inert Stones
Name the best horror film that was filmed in your area #filmsky #horrorsky #horrorfilm
Name the best horror film that was filmed in your area #filmsky #horrorsky #horrorfilms Not many to choose from 😂
Finally getting around to seeing the new movie by that guy who made “Babe: Pig in the City” and “Happy Feet.”
Wonder how I can spin this to sell books…
Spent a couple of hours at the Bay Area Book Festival this morning. Wandered the indie/author area, and talked up the benefits of the Horror Writers Association to a few folks. However, I left feeling sort of depressed. The festival has shrunk drastically. Seemed half the size of last year.
Me: “It’s a nice day, I should go take a walk around the neighborhood.” Luna: “No.”
Planning to go to the mountains for the long weekend? Maybe to dip your toes in the cool, clear lake water? What could possibly go wrong?…
If you’re off to the lake, I have a book suggestion for you…
Story submission rejection yesterday. Story submission acceptance today. Just the roller coaster excitement of being a freelance writer.
If you see this post a vampire.
If you see this post a vampire
One of my coworkers has started calling me "Lotso"after the character in Toy Story 3. When I asked her why, she said "Because you act like a big goofy teddy bear, but man, you can get dark -fast-." She’s not wrong.
Don’t see a single Mahar.
I was thinking earlier about years back, when a pal of mine was working for Lucasfilm, and told me about how George knew how much Jar Jar Binks irritated a certain segment of his "fans." So he decided to make sure that each season of Clone Wars included a Jar Jar arc just to annoy them...