
The last story I wrote longhand was “Rain” & then I quit working that way for years. Yesterday I went back to the pen & it was such a pleasure I wonder why I stopped. But I know why: I told myself it was faster to begin on the computer. Only it’s not true! It takes exactly the same amount of time.
Wasn’t that Elmore Leonard’s trick? He would write on a legal pad then type up later. It’s fun to change it up!
Was it?? I used to do that! Stacks of legal pads. Then I didn't have to be chained to my computer except to type like the wind. And soon enough I'd print a new draft and scribble on those pages anywhere but my desk, and then later enter those edits on computer... I should start doing that again. 🙂
There are notebooks that will upload what you write, I have one somewhere. My wife said it would be handy. Clearly it’s awesome as I have no idea where it is. Rocketbook maybe?
Nah, I like how writing longhand is a draft, entering it is another draft, printing and writing on it is another draft, etc. Tricks my mind into thinking the typing is mindless work (it isn't) and there are fewer drafts (there aren't). 😀
But I can see how that would be super helpful for some folks.