
Day 1, ADHD meds. Holy fuck. Is this how you guys live, is it? One minute you feel like making a coffee, and the next you've got one, like it's no big deal? What do you do to remind yourself to have an existential crisis?
Don't tell me, I've got it. To-do lists, right? I'll bet you just write that shit down, crisis: 1400-1415, coffee with Jo: 1430 and then you just get on an nail that shit, right? Wild.
omg. I have 7 personal computers, 5 DSLRs, 3 stereos and 3 oscilloscopes. Pretty sure my wife didn't sneak them all in here, but I'm feeling pretty weird about being the primary suspect in all this.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 if I weren't cosy on my recliner I would sneak a pic of the husband's home office for you. He's going to have to clean up to set up the 3d printer he just won!
Jk he's not going to clean up. Apparently it will go in the garage. Just imagine the garage. 🤪
We’ve traced the TradeMe activity and it’s coming from within the house. And it’s not your wife. Or the pets. When the impossible has been eliminated, whatever remains — however improbable — must be the Smart TV buying Amigas on Facebook Marketplace.
I think you need one more oscilloscope and maybe a spectrum analyser/vna and a logic analyser just to be safe
I have an assessment next week after months and months of waiting and agonising. Desperately hoping for a similar story.
Similar story, and def early days yet as far as the meds go. My best wishes for you, hmu if you ever want to talk about it.
Try to remember that first day feeling. Not because you won't continue to experience the same benefits, but because if you're anything like me it will be very hard to describe how it "feels" after that first day. Absolutely fantastic. I'm very very pleased for you. It's been game changing for me.
yeah, I thought I'd try and get straight into work but I think I just want to take the day to focus on what my thoughts are doing and how I really feel about where I'm at rn
Just make sure that you reserve days for yourself. You need to 2 days off from taking them (tolerance break), just make sure they're not your weekends. Don't give all your productivity to 'the man', what they expect. This is for you, don't let them have all your good days.
So much this, and also take notes of how you feel during the titration. I was great the first 5 weeks then had a shite 5 weeks of high stress and anxiety which I thought was work and never considered could be the meds until 💡near the end. Delayed metabolic reaction apparently and need new meds.
My sis said that too. Hasn't been able to duplicate the first magic week.
Have you had any meetings yet? That was my day one eye-opener. It’s possible to pay attention all the way through a meeting, even when they’re not talking about stuff you’re working on.
Other things to look forward to: the first time you thing about another task you need to do while you’re in the middle of something else, and instead of switching, you go back to doing the first thing and do the other thing once that’s done.
And you remember the second thing exists??
With more reliability than ever before! I mean, I’m still a chaos monkey who does no laundry for 3 weeks and then 15 loads on one day, but at least when I go to grab one last thing to go in the load, it gets in there before the machine finishes filling (instead of my coming back for the final spin).
Not yet, formal meetings are rare for me, but there will be similar opportunities in the coming weeks.
it is such a unexplainable shift isn't it --- like having multiple browser windows open in your brain to like two ...its offsetting but like what the ... 😀
I have my assessment later this month. Looking forward to having an answer to the unspoken question of everyone who has known me: “What flavours of neurospicy ARE you, Nat?”
Fuck! you mean I could drink all the coffee's I make not pour half of them down the sink cold??
Me, this morning "fuck I brewed a litre of coffee two hours ago"
I went to my second appointment for a diagnosis having forgotten to send the reading material and give my partner the heads up that she would need to be involved. She was battling a hard deadline so couldn't do it. went to the appt - was told it was pointless without her and to reschedule...
I've not rescheduled... (also my guy was a dick about it so I'm unlikely to bother because F$%k that guy)
Ugh. I saw a guy maybe two months ago. For all of 20 minutes. He sent me all the assessments to complete and told me to get back to him. I obviously didn't, and have had zero reminders, so have gone to option 2 of appointments I made 6-8 months ago.
I was like - why do you make this process so difficult for "us" - well you would want a correct diagnosis - well yes - but I also need some fricken coping mechanisims so how about you work on that shit rather than throwing me out after 10 minutes saying i'd wasted your time.
They should have given you the diagnosis just for that i.m.o.
That thought did cross my mind.
Second “you mean brains aren’t supposed to be like this?” realization post I’ve seen this week and I think I need to curl up into a ball and do a bunch of thinking.
I bloody love this message. Really
Kia ora, Jack. May the day smile on you as it does me
Undiagnosed and unmedicated but learned to cope. The only way I get coffee in the morning is by making it my morning routine of cleaning the kitchen. I can put my brain in park and just do the same things I do every morning. If I had to think about doing all that stuff it would never get done.
I’m stoked they work for you, my experience with them was “I have an incredible feeling of focus and an even more overwhelming feeling of full body anxiety”