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Gardener, nature/wilderness supporter, wild & domestic animal advocate. Pet peeve = willful ignorance. Sport is between willing participants. Live long and prosper. Make it so!
Anyone else have a fondness for those old wood-panel station wagons? I’ve mostly seen them in old movies. There’s something calming about them, even in sci-fi movies.
What’s up with WaPo bombarding readers with loud ads immediately upon opening the site?
Store-bought sunflowers, osmanthus from yard, feverfew in background
Reposted byAvatar BEpiper🌻
The same way male elephants knock down trees during their teenage rampages. Their herds boot them out until they get over their teenage shenanigans.
I had surgery about a year ago and learned for the first time that there was such a thing as a nurse navigator. Kudos to nurse navigators! You folks do incredible work. I did go back a few months later with gifts for the three who helped me (plus some treats for the floor nurses and staff).
Catnip is sprouting as are seedlings from the cherry tomato experiment. A few cherry tomatoes were starting to spoil in the store’s container so I added them to the seed sprouting tray. They finally took me up on my offer of a place to flourish! Welcome to the little sprouts. 🌱
If you see this, post something yellow.
If you see this, post something yellow.
Reposted byAvatar BEpiper🌻
Hey, dumb sticker, some people can't take the stairs.
Using an image, show a movie you are sure you have watched more than ten times.
Using an image, show a movie you are sure you have watched more than ten times.
Reposted byAvatar BEpiper🌻
I witnessed some perfect parenting today. A baby bird was fluttering, begging for the parent finch to feed it, when the parent flew off and the youngster realized it could pick up the sunflower kernel all by itself! This not my photo but is of house finches.
Reposted byAvatar BEpiper🌻
Oh, my. I had to laugh out loud at the line I just read in David Baldacci’s novel, Total Control. Published in 1997, page 278 of the trade paperback has a computer genius character saying, about the broad and swift rise of the use of computers, “Ignorance will simply disappear.”
A goldfinch (far right) just showed up! So brave to share space with the slightly bigger birds.
Finally got my wish of daytime rain on this lovely Saturday morning. Our northern California rain has mostly fallen overnight. It is a perfect setting to light a candle, read, & enjoy coffee. Birds realized there were more raw sunflower kernels available & stopped by. Gather round ye pluviophiles!
Finally got my wish of daytime rain on this lovely Saturday morning. Our northern California rain has mostly fallen overnight. It is a perfect setting to light a candle, read, & enjoy coffee. Birds realized there were more raw sunflower kernels available & stopped by. Gather round ye pluviophiles!
Reposted byAvatar BEpiper🌻
Snowball bush (viburnum) looking good. Pink geranium peeking out and nasturtium coming along in the ground below.
Does anyone have recommendations for an internet provider in the SF Bay Area? I loved Wave Astound for decades but all of a sudden they became bullies like the majority of these companies.
Reposted byAvatar BEpiper🌻
New Zealand tea tree, Leptospermum scoparium
Miniature rose “Orange Honey.” Over 35 years old.
Avatar Please share with the Bluesky team how much I enjoy seeing the nighttime version opening screen with all the stars. Very, very nice. 🌌🌟
Reposted byAvatar BEpiper🌻
And yet Deb Haaland, Native American & Secretary of the dept of interior, continues to eradicate our native horses and burros to appease cattle ranchers. She's a capitalist sellout.