Berny Belvedere

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Berny Belvedere

Senior Editor Executive Director of the Institute for the Study of Modern Authoritarianism (ISMA). Philosophy instructor. Soccer knower.
Libs of TikTok is currently on a hysterical cancelspree, tracking down randos who expressed disappointment (in an admittedly reprehensible way) that Donald Trump gets to continue to terrorize our politics. Easily one of the most destructive accounts of all time.
Wow, yeah, for sure, for sure, except … thanks to a little-known resource called “recent history,” we actually don’t have to speculate. How did Democrats respond to Trump winning? By moving on. How did Republicans respond to Biden winning? By trying to overthrow our electoral democracy.
"What is beginning to emerge is that the right-wing victimization complex isn’t merely wrong—it’s completely backwards. Trump’s allies weren’t even treated the same as everyone else—they were treated quite a bit better." Remarkable essay by
The Criminal Justice System Is Being Positively Kind to Donald Trump and MAGA Yet they are playing victim while showing no concern for the abuse ordinary Americans endure
An absolutely top notch demolition in by of the idea that Elon Musk is any kind of free speech hero.
Elon Musk, a self-proclaimed "free speech absolutist," has aggressively deployed government power to kill what he calls the "woke mind virus." Must-read from
Elon Musk’s Statist Road to Free This self-proclaimed free speech absolutist is aggressively deploying government power to kill the 'woke mind virus'
We are 15 sign-ups away from 20K. is completely free and we only send you something every couple of days. That's a really good deal.
This is worth a listen.
Is Donald Trump's MAGA movement continuous with historic fascism—or is it better classified as something else entirely? Don't miss this convo—which you can either listen to or read—between former Arc Digital colleagues and
Is Trump a Fascist or Something Else Entirely?: A Conversation with Nicholas He will defeat American liberal democracy through utter contempt for its institutions, not a revolution
Is Donald Trump's MAGA movement continuous with historic fascism—or is it better classified as something else entirely? Don't miss this convo—which you can either listen to or read—between former Arc Digital colleagues and
Is Trump a Fascist or Something Else Entirely?: A Conversation with Nicholas He will defeat American liberal democracy through utter contempt for its institutions, not a revolution
Trump v. US Constitutional democracy, what is fascism and what purpose does the word serve, how democratic backsliding works, how the law ultimately rests on norms, and more in this great podcast I recorded with for Listen (or read a transcript) here:
Is Trump a Fascist or Something Else Entirely?: A Conversation with Nicholas He will defeat American liberal democracy through utter contempt for its institutions, not a revolution
We are thrilled to announce Liberalism for the 21st Century, an absolute game-changer of a conference convened by our publisher, the Institute for the Study of Modern Authoritarianism (ISMA). You won’t want to miss it. Go here to read more and see you in July!
Liberalism for the 21st Century: A Conference by the Institute for the Study of Modern The publisher of The UnPopulist is convening the biggest conclave of global liberals in living memory next month
Join me in remembering a take so thermonuclear that the Chernobyl core reactors bowed in reverence and then enrolled into Prager U
Genuinely cannot believe a major political party ignored an antiwoke fanatic's frenzied DMs to "DISASSOCIATE YOURSELVES FROM THE META-MARXISTS AT ONCE, SIRS!"
According to Bret Weinstein, the World Health Organization is spearheading a “coup” that will lead to the “elimination of our national and our personal sovereignty.”
Bret Weinstein: Conspiracy Theorist in Academic The former biology professor weaves grand narratives of shadowy elites plotting a totalitarian takeover by ‘just asking questions’
Catturd's new pinned post raises serious questions that I hope Elon addresses soon. This injustice can't stand.
You do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to Ann Coulter.
You do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to Ann Coulter.
Many interesting topics treated in interview with, including the value of a cross-ideological movement in fighting authoritarianism, the role of lawyers, and the power-expanding track record of presidents not named Trump.
A Conversation with Ian The head of Protect Democracy discusses how eroding restraints on presidential authority combined with political violence will make a second Trump term dangerous
According to Bret Weinstein, the World Health Organization is spearheading a “coup” that will lead to the “elimination of our national and our personal sovereignty.”
Bret Weinstein: Conspiracy Theorist in Academic The former biology professor weaves grand narratives of shadowy elites plotting a totalitarian takeover by ‘just asking questions’
I really loved this chat with, who is doing phenomenal work at Please give it a listen—or a read!
🚨🚨 On the latest Zooming In episode, and sit down with, former associate Obama White House counsel and head of, one of our favorite organizations in the entire industry. Don't miss this convo.
A Conversation with Ian Listen now | Listen to Zooming In at The UnPopulist in your favorite podcast app: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | RSS | YouTube
Really good profile on Sam Francis, the populist prophet who anticipated the MAGA movement.
Many of the right-leaning writers who have spent the past eight years remaking their careers in light of the Trumpist revolution of 2016 have ended up inadvertently parroting Sam Francis’ ideas from the early 1990s. Don't miss this profile by Damon Linker.
Sam Francis: The Dangerous Apostle of Right-Wing This prescient critic of "the regime" opposed Reaganism and wanted to steer the right toward something resembling Trumpism
Very excited about this series. If you endorse constitutional constraints on power, if you care about the viability of our liberal democracy, you should want the executive to be sufficiently reined in. Read along at as we think through how to do just that.
We just launched a brand new series on fireproofing the American presidency. It's one of the most important projects we've undertaken. Please read the introductory essay about why this matters to us—and why it should matter to you.
Stopping a Rogue Executive from Abusing the Massive Powers of the The UnPopulist launches its 'Fireproofing the Presidency' series