
Oh, thumbs up. I really like how this administration keeps going after predatory practices that target the poor.
You can't rely on MSM, they won't do it. It's job on the DNC to deliver material, facts.. If I need 2x 15 minutes for that on a smarty, what could they produce with enough people and time.. Just using the ammunition, which the GQP is delivering since 7 yrs...
The Democratic National Committee is not a journalistic outlet. We, as their consumers, need to demand better of those.
The DNC should support its candidates.. Shouldn't it? They are collecting donations... Aren't they? So, given those facts, And additional knowing, that the MSM doesn't nothing,.. Shouldn't they deliver every support necessary? Harrison is bragging about working like a power horse.
And expecting something from the MSM is naive.. They are corporations, driven by money only... Therefore all of them are right wing leaning (taxcuts) And if some pundits are left wing, the majority isn't.. And they show it every day.. Ask Kornacky, Melber, Joe and Mika etc...