Helen/Tina/Boob Punch

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Helen/Tina/Boob Punch


"... but if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace."
My guide to identifying party of British candidates from a photo. 😀
Honestly the "biden should step down" stuff makes no fucking sense to me, i feel like I'm watching a bunch of people lose their minds and very confidently start speaking in tongues
Congratulations on being the next jury that will decide Trump's guilt or innocence. Given that none of Trump's other cases will be tried before Nov. We The People are the final jury standing between Trump & dictatorship. On Nov. 5 we WILL vote guilty! www.threads.net/@glennkirsch...
Glenn Kirschner (@glennkirschner2) on Threadswww.threads.net Congratulations on being selected to serve on the next jury that will decide Trump's guilt or innocence. Given that none of Trump's other cases will be tried before Nov., We The People are the final....
Apropos of nothing, if I quote-posted you without really adding anything of substance, and you wondered why it wasn't just a repost—reposts can be turned off So it was because I wanted to make sure all my mutuals saw your post; I was that sure they'd enjoy or appreciate it
I bought a little burbler for the bird bath and this one mourning dove loves to sit there, gazing, occasionally sipping. 🥹
did you know the deviantArt mascot, the little demon guy, is named Fella? now you know
More anti-democratic thoughts from 2018 the NYT allowed this writer to exclude from his current piece. Delivered with an air of detached irony, as if he miiight be joking or exaggerating. But is he?
Update - brother in law helped me mill some of the walnut this morning. Just look how gorgeous this stuff is right underneath the surface. This stuff is extremely rich, owing to it being air dried rather than kiln dried.
Adorable photos of the kid, but these parkas are fucking bad ass.
4th of July in Kotzebue: Baby contest, Miss Arctic Circle, & Arctic Circle contests started last night. Baby contest is named after my Aunt Louvie, master sewer and my dad's hunting partner until she passed in 2007/8. My cousin Shyena Lie is in the first baby pic, then representations of diff styles
For my friends in England, it's election day! Happy voting to you all. Just remember: you have a long and proud history as a people who really fucking loved eels. Remember that, when you cast your vote. What would the eels want you to do? 🗃️🧪
One of the most physically robust, active, and energetic people in popular music, and hardly old at 44 Health problems can happen to anyone Here's hoping it's recoverable-from and wishing P!nk a speedy one if so
Just learned Jakarta in Muslim majority Indonesia hosts Southeast Asia’s largest annual metal festival. Check out metal band from Indonesia called Voice of Baceprot. Playing Glastonbury Festival in this global environment as Muslim women and in hijabs takes so much courage. Love their energy.
Inspired by System of a Down, they've been playing together for ten years. “We have heard that it rains a lot in England and, even when it is not raining, it is always drizzling,” Siti says, looking pained. They are also, she says with a grimace, “concerned about the food”. Omg I love them! 😂
Muslim Female Metal Band VoB First Indonesians To Play Glastonbury | TaiwanPlus Newswww.youtube.com YouTube video by TaiwanPlus News
Voice Of Baceprot live at Glastonbury 2024youtu.be Voice of Baceprot (VoB) mengukir sejarah menjadi band pertama Indonesia yang tampil di Glastonbury Festival, festival musik tahunan terbesar di Inggris yang digelar pada 26-30 Juni 2024. Band metal yang digawangi tiga perempuan muda asal Garut, Jawa Barat, ini tampil pada Jumat (28/06) waktu setempat. Kala tiga personelnya, Firdda Marsya Kurnia (vokalis), Euis Siti Aisyah (drummer), dan Widi Rahmawati (bassist), mulai bermain musik metal sebagai kegiatan ekstra kurikuler di madrasah tempat mereka bersekolah 10 tahun lalu, mereka tak pernah menyangka bakal membuat sejarah bagi Indonesia di Festival Glastonbury dan berbagi panggung dengan penampil utama seperti Coldplay dan Dua Lipa.
In more positive news, please enjoy this ridiculously massive family of pink-footed geese, henceforth referred to as Mr and Mrs Goose and the 8-piece McNuggets.
My skyline has the juice.
she loves you too!
Unpopular opinion: I do not want our major newspapers to die. I want them to do better.
A boy and his emotional support grass
My new op ed: Why We Don't Need To Read Op Eds
Your honor, with all due respect, all I want to do is be more like me and be less like you
Your honor, with all due respect, I am human and I need to be loved, just like everybody else does
Join #FrightClub and post along Thursday's feature, Assassination Nation (2018), at 10:00 PM ET. Available on Tubi. Fight for your right to live
Guidance for US people trying to understand the UK election results later: Tories under 150 seats: LOL Tories under 120 seats: LMAO Tories under 100 seats: ROFL
Solidarity with those affected as Hurricane Beryl makes landfall. Jamaica is home to thousands of farm workers who come yearly to the US on H2A visas, hundreds of whom are UFW members. From deadly heat to extreme storms, farm workers are on the front lines of climate crisis.