
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
I celebrate every Independence Day on the planet, they matter way more than most other holidays
I dont think American "Independence Day" hits the same way as other colonies. Like "America" is still occupied. American "independence" led to settler colonialism.
Yeah it also lead to us not being under British control.
But you were British, all those colonies were stuffed full of Brits. Unless you have some Native American blood you are descended from colonists.
you should be ashamed of yourself for taking sides
Not to mention a massive chunk of what's now the continental U.S. wasn't even Anglo, but Spanish. For hundreds of years before Anglos.
Yeah...I know. I live in New Mexico.
And French, and Dutch, and so on; Brits like saying they were the only ones - they weren't. F - a lot of people trace their ancestry back to the sailors on the mayflower - 30 crew - none died, 102 pilgrims - 1 died bef reaching land, 50 died that first winter. Many pilgrims came from Netherlands.
My family came way after
I grew up in MA - we still hate the British there. Most of the pilgrims on the Mayflower were not British. It was the second wave and third that were mostly Brits.