Zane Alexander

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Zane Alexander

Hella juice in the streets, zero juice in the skeets.
Thorough and fair look at a potential Harris candidacy. No drama, would recommend.
The mainstream media, most notably the New York Times, would cover Harris harshly. They’d probably find something to fixate on as much as Hillary's emails, which they’ll treat as equivalent to Trump’s criminality. But it’s hard to see how media could hit anything harder than Biden’s age.
Kamala Harris Could Beat Donald Comparing Harris's likely chances to Biden's and other Democrats' show she'd be competitive, which means fear of nominating her shouldn't be part of the president's decision
This quote is the opposite of the infamous COEXIST bumper sticker with all the symbols
Jack Posobiec is a very influential MAGA media figure. He posted this today. In the 1930s Fr. Denis Fahey was probably most well know for being one of the most outspoken anti-semites in the world...quite an accomplishment for that era.
It's circular reporting, the press is covering their own coverage of the initial coverage of the debate.
Biden takes a little dip in the polls for a week or two and Democrats wind up right where they were. That's lost time, time where Biden should have been moving ahead, yes it stinks. This has happened to other candidates plenty of times, some lose some win. He can recover if we help him.
Trying to figure out how to BBQ for a fourth day in a row when my refrigerator is filled to brim with left overs. This is some kind of Tupperware Jenga.
Scott Perry the Republican U.S. representative for Pennsylvania's 10th congressional district. Perry serves on the House Transportation, Infrastructure, and Foreign Affairs committees.
In honor of Labour positively curb-stomping the Tories, I present to you a US GOP congressman posting and then deleting literally the same antisemitic mural image that got Jeremy Corbyn in trouble.
The Corbynification of the GOP Just before the 2022 midterms, I wrote a column in Haaretz about the Corbynification of the U.S. Republican Party . For all the harping and ...
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Here we see a right wing Twitter account with 1.3 million followers being retweeted by an account with 2.5 million followers calling for conservatives to sabotage the upcoming American election. Musk, BTW, has interacted amicably with these accounts several times.
After 10 days of this "but he's old" narrative, there is enough drama for the Huffington Post to publish a whole recap and analysis of the post debate BS. It's a circle, they're covering the coverage of the coverage of the debate.
Just a rumor about the NYT closing their Threads account and we all start cheering while raising our pitchforks in the air. Love it
UK chose social democracy over austerity and cruelty. France chose to resist the nationalist right, now they will form a center-left governing coalition? Germany has recognized just how much Merkel and Schroder allowed Russia and the far right to gain power.
Thinking about what Trump did during his presidency when Republicans wrote never-Trump opinion pieces about him being unfit to serve. He would insult them publicly, give them a nickname, say they’re frauds, exile them from magaworld, label them Rinos and have his goons threaten their lives.
Well the racist NYPost story about Kamala, plus several stories about Project 2025 are spreading about the internet today. Thanks to everyone who is staying focused on what really matters.
Estimated number of Russian Tanks by OSINT account Covert Cabal. Russia has zero known T-90 tanks left, and they have under 1000 modern tanks in all their inventory, in decent condition running or not.
The number one story in the U.S. today should be high temperature records being shattered across the nation. I am feeling very fortunate to be in a location that is not sweltering these past few days.
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NEW: updated edition of our American Autocracy Threat Tracker Shows the full range of Trump’s dictatorship would look like— including proof of his close ties to Project 2025 “He is lying when he denies it and we have the receipts.”
American Autocracy Threat A comprehensive catalog of the autocratic threat to democracy based on former President Donald Trump and his associates’ autocratic plans and promises.
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Analysis of How Trump spent his Time in Office .vs. How the New York Times Spends it's Time on Publications. Turns Out Being Lazy is Just Easier.
Cover Art by Noah Bogen. I had to research it because this cover has blown my mind. Both Ronnie and Hubert Laws are still playing live music in their 70's btw. Legends.
Randomly listened the oddest modern jazz album with the strangest cover. It's either the best or the worst depending on taste.
Randomly listened the oddest modern jazz album with the strangest cover. It's either the best or the worst depending on taste.
This is just a little slice of the racism and misogyny NewsCorp owned media is preparing for her. Rupert Murdoch is a foreign enemy of the United States and should have never been given citizenship.
Subtle. Very subtle.
Julia Davis posted this at the other place, 'A former KGB agent praised an ex-Trump admin. staffer Eldridge Colby on state TV, suggesting that his foreign policy would implement the position that the U.S. "doesn't need Ukraine at all." Colby is a contributor to the 900-page Project 2025.'
This much is true. Trump deserves to be defeated and put in prison by a woman. Karmically.
It’s pathetic that America can’t easily say, “no problem, have the Vice President take over, she will easily defeat this criminal”
I know for sure that the fresh memory of Trump lying about COVID from the Whitehouse and then catching the virus himself, that whole insane time in the spring was a huge boost to Biden in November. Any incumbent that blew the response to COVID in 2020 would have lost.
Is it me or did George Stephanopoulos ask Biden the same question 25 times in an increasingly shitty way until he got to “will you let doctors examine your feeble mind?” For which there is no good answer.
Turns out that it's going to dial the craziness up to 11.
The 1st debate happening early, instead of “later in the summer”. It’s not clear to me if that’s going to calm things or just prolong the craziness an extra month or two.
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Biden uses his presidential immunity to have the CIA rendition his campaign advisor who recommended this debate deal.
2 weeks ago, there are multiple comments from me saying I'm surprised the Biden campaign agreed to debate, and that he should limit his statements and focus on Trump. Why are the Biden campaign managers doing a worse job than random nobodies on the internet?
I’m surprised either man agreed. This is going to be a nail biting event. If Biden wants to win he should limit his own statements and focus on agitating Trump