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Librarian. Knitter. Collector of craft supplies.
It was worth staying up all night to see Liz Truss lose! Going to have a nap now before I have to work. F*ck the Tories!
Reposted byAvatar bibliocat
It's election day! Which means that me and have launched the online version of #portillogeddon. Cross off the Tories as they are defeated by clicking on their faces. Or use automatic mode if you just want to sit back and watch it happen. Conservative Wipeout Bingo 2024
"They did not live “normal” lives: They lived their lives."
My spouse,, wrote an amazing story for The Atlantic about transness, surgery, and the recently deceased Schappell twins It's a landmark for The Atlantic, in that it's pro-trans Please read and share so the magazine sees that there are clicks in this Gift link:
The Conjoined Twins Who Refused to Be ‘Fixed’ George and Lori Schappell didn’t seem to care whether others understood them. But America is still struggling to accommodate bodies like theirs.
Reason #632 why I won't be out of a job any time soon:
Books designed to be read only by human eyes are different from books designed to be read by machines, which is why Google will tell you that the phrase “shake my booty” can be found in an 1863 English translation of Don Quixote.
My two latest finished objects, given together as a birthday gift. Really enjoyed the fiddly crochet, though there was some cursing throughout. And I'm loving bookbinding!🧶
This is Dino, a 14 year old rescue mog. As usual, he's judging me! #ProofOfCat
A reminder that the best way to establish that you are who you say you are when you join BlueSky is to post a unique picture of your cat. #proofOfCat is the most valid form of ID
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