
Joe is gone. the man served his country and earned his place in US history. but this is horrifying to read and the charade has to end. Democrats will unite behind his replacement. let him step aside for his own sake and the good of the nation.
The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe The president’s mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters.
I continue to ask this: how? There is no way to do this at this point without undoing the lower-case democratic system.
the democratic system elected delegates to the convention that are pledged to Joe. he releases them and asserts his preference for the VP. delegates, and the voters, would accept this because a primary vote for Joe was a vote for his ticket with Kamala. it's not ideal but it's the seamless solution.
It’s not seamless if they don’t accept it. That’s a huge, risky assumption that puts the party in disarray.