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I’m the kind of human wreckage that you love.
I respect whales, I think we need to do a better job protecting whales, they're incredible creatures. There is no amount of money in the world that you could pay me to ever get in the water anywhere near a whale.
Everyone always talks about the physical recovery from drinking in your thirties, but they never talk about the emotional recovery.
Bought two shirts at a concert last night
I'm not the stepdad, I'm the dad who stepped down, abdicating my throne to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity.
Writing "Chapter Forty" at the top of a page like
One thing about me is you can be goddamn sure I will always confuse The Annex with Kensington Market, and no I don't know why.
The food crisis in Britain is so bad that Rishi Sunak's campaign was laid out by a sandwich he wasn't even photographed eating.
Currently trying to figure out if I can spin taking a week off to play more Elden Ring into a professional development angle my work will give me a grant for.
The Crypt Keeper singing karaoke: CRAWLING out of my GRAVE and I've been DYING just SLIME
I beat Bayle the Dread, but man, I wish I could understand the logic behind it being the one dragon fight in Elden Ring that doesn't let you target anything but his its head.
City of Toronto entering its third straight month of saying "I don't know her" when anyone asks about Drake.
I'm sorry, it's just very funny to me that one of the notes for Elden Ring's performance patch is basically "Hey PC Players, the demographic notorious for fiddling with any and all settings to get one extra frame per second, did you idiots maybe forget to turn off ray tracing? Try that."
I'm pretty sure I once said I would listen to a whole podcast that was just Branson naming and describing characters, and today we move one step closer to that reality.
"Well, I never liked [celebrity], and I always figured they were the kind of person who would do that!" Congrats dude! Hope you get the clout you're looking for!
I think you'll all agree, this joke was NOT worth the effort
What America needs more than ever this Fourth of July is for someone to develop an AI generated picture of a hot dog so delicious that it can unite a deeply divided country.
*being menaced by Ghostface from Scream over the telephone* Honestly, it's just refreshing to talk to a real person.
I have no idea what's going on at any given time in any FromSoft game and it rules. I have played 400 hours of Bloodborne and what I can tell you about that game is that there is a lot of blood.
Watching a Vaati video on Elden Ring lore "Now, some of this evidence is circumstantial..." My friend, I love your videos, but literally all of your evidence is circumstantial.
Watching a Vaati video on Elden Ring lore "Now, some of this evidence is circumstantial..." My friend, I love your videos, but literally all of your evidence is circumstantial.
We should go back to making video game consoles that are little purple cubes you can play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on.
FromSoft said "hope you like faith builds, motherfuckers" when they designed all these DLC bosses.
It's really bizarre how frequently dudes with closets so stuffed to the brim with skeletons they're leaking out the sides decide to run for high office in the information age.
Transformer is an interesting album because it sounds at once like it's being completely improvised and also like a highly rehearsed broadway musical. This has been Matt's Musical Takes from 1972.
JK Rowling heard me say that even after Cursed Child, the Harry Potter epilogue was still by a wide margin the worst thing she's ever written and has been working tirelessly cranking out new unhinged anti-trans screeds to prove me wrong.
The Shadowkeep is really the "Oops! All Bosses!" level in Shadow of the Erdtree, huh?
Well, thank god Biden has issued a statement declaring he won't be engaging with the new precedent handed down by the supreme court, which they knew is precisely what he would do when they made the ruling.
I think more people should remember they're not obligated to interact with everything they see on here or even in real life. If someone I usually like does or says something I disagree with or find annoying, as long as there's no harm being done, I simply scroll on by.
I’ve been out for a walk for the last 45 minutes or so and I just realized I’m dressed like comic book guy from The Simpsons.
Can't wait to start my high fantasy hockey league and draft Macklin Celebrimbor.
I really resent all the F🍁CK TRUDEAU flags and shirts you see weird right wing freaks wearing all the time. Like, I don't like the guy either, but if you're going to wear a shirt that says fuck that guy, then have the courage to wear a shirt that actually says fuck that guy, you cowards.