
“this info has been in the whisper network for years… y’know, the thing where you need to be socially connected to the right people and also able to pick up on vague hints”
This shit makes me so mad, a con I used to go to had some big blowup over a shitty guy and I kept seeing "well everyone knows he's a creep" and hey no they don't unless someone thinks to tell them or they have a direct interaction! no one at the reg table says "here's your badge, watch out for X"
It’s so very clear from this latest example how many people are left in the cold by these things. The internet has been debating NG for as long as the internet has existed and if we’d all known already those interactions and fandoms would have been WILDLY different.
Like I don’t need The Story With Details From The Source. I just need the people who have heard these stories to pass on that there are reliable accusations so I actually know what to look out for.
I hate that... esp when those connected people act like others are stupid, ignorant or naive for not knowing.
who's getting whispered about now or is this still just mr neil
still him, but more how other folks react. i’m Tired
Oh yeah all the "I ALWAYS KNEW IT" people always work my nerves. good for you. >:P
My brain immediately supplies that Jennifer Lawrence sarcastic clapping gif when i reads that kind of shit
when i reads it, nyukukukukuk
When people say that they're really telling on themselves with how ineffective their "whisper network" really was
its just so shitty everytime something like that is brought up like i get why they happen but just feels worse that apparently everyone already knew :/