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Canadian freelance artist from the east coast. Digital, Watercolour and Gouache. Fantasy, Sci fi, Furry/Anthro. Chihuahua and Cat Dad. Trans, Bi, perpetually tired. Would like to go lie down in some moss. (Aspentangle on fa, masto, telegram, and discord!)
These two rat dogs I swear
Reposted byAvatar Aspen
Please, please take a minute to read this. It got around on The Bad Place - but we'll need to do some outreach/education here on Faked and Cruel "nature" photos.
You didn't know that you needed a picture of a tiny frog riding a giant beetle, but now you do.
When whimsical wildlife photography isn't what it This photo looks cute, but it reveals the cloudy intersection of wildlife photography, animal welfare issues and photojournalism integrity.
Reposted byAvatar Aspen
I'm kinda hurting for grocery money ATM, would anyone like a $20 headshot? Quick turnaround, full-color, and you'd be helping me, my partner and my cats have some decent meals! DM for details, retweets are greatly appreciated.
Lil man adores his sister. Tito is wearing a shirt cuz he got a big bite he wouldn't stop itching ;3;
I reported that gross ass dogsoul guy's drawings of the abuser and abuse victim on FA (animal rapist) and fa is like No its totally fine to support and encourage this man sexually assaulting a horse. 🤢
Checked to see if the crab spider was still there. Caught him snagging a hoverfly(?)!
You ever notice when a woman does something awful and people make reference to her appearance folks immediately say "don't do that you're hurting other women who look ____" but when it's a man it's open season? Yikes.
I also got pretty dang close to some wasps to get pictures, which is impressive because I'm terrified of em.
I found a crab spider for the first time in my life and as you can imagine, took a shit ton of photos
I am SO SWEATY. Got Tito's harness and leash and stuff, but uh, I don't think we'll be doing a two dog walk today. Or even a one dog walk today. It's way too picante out there.
Reposted byAvatar Aspen
Ignorant mf neighbor was out on her deck with what apparantly is her son, I thought they were talking to their cat- and then I realized they were making meow noises to get my dogs attention. While I'm trying to get him to pee. By the time I realized and was about to hollar up, they'd gone inside.
I will be so happy when my neighbor's daughter's house is finished being built so these loud and obnoxious children will not be here every single day.
Three of them. (Tito has a harness and leash on as he's still adjusting and is a very nervous boy, who needs work to be his best dog. He is hard to catch if he doesn't have it on, but he gets it off at night to sleep)
Tito!!!!!!!!!! he's so beautiful and so sweet. he wants so badly to love and be loved but he's just so nervous. He'll learn soon that nothing but good can come from being with us :)
Well THATS something! He hopped into my lap on his own! Not pictured: phoenix sitting right beside me
It's been a big, long day for such a little guy.
Reposted byAvatar Aspen
That tree star’s lookin tasty…🍃🦕 [ #cuteart #sketchbook ]
Little man is gonna take time to be comfortable, and we def have work to do with his nervousness... but he's gonna be such a happy dog!
30 minsish till i meet new dog ong
What amazes me about the left side of the internet is how you can post literally agreeing with someone and they'll respond with vitriol and condescension. If you don't have the exact same opinion as them, you might as well be an alt right nazi. This is why I block politics nowadays.
I decided to start taking my meds the same time as I give my dog hers... I never forget hers and set reminders, but i forget mine all the time. Its worked out great!
Meeting this little sweetie tomorrow!!!
Got a video of the pup ... meeting him tomorrow, so excited. He seems so sweet!!
Evidentially a Ctenucha virginica... never seen this moth before, but what a beautiful creature!